"Yup, I'm like Crab Heads spy" she says. "So from what he has gathered talking to the girls today is that Drew is out for the crown, Rachel wants the title, and Piper might have her eye on someone other then Percy."

"Seaweed Brain gathered that all on his own." I asked shocked.

"Of course not he had an ear piece in and I was listening in to the conversation with Hazel and Thalia thats why we sat at the end of the hall after dinner."

I checked the clock and saw it said 11:50.

I yawned. "Well I better get back to my room so I don't get in trouble for being out of bed."

They walked me to my door two floors down an went inside.

"One second we need to find you the perfect dress for tomorrow." Hazel says running into my closet.

"Perfect" she shouted from my closet. "Can I see it" I asked.

"Nope your just going to have to trust me" she said and plopped down on my bed where I found Thalia and Coral already dead asleep.

I got onto the bed and went on the end where the others weren't so I wouldn't get kicked.

*Time Skip to Morning*

"Miss you have to wake up" I heard Michelle say.

"Five more minutes" I said.

"You are going to miss breakfast." I felt a rustle and two people get up wide awake.

I stretched and got up. To find Coraline and Thalia making a beeline for the door.

"See you at breakfast Beth" Coral said before closing the door.

Lily lead me over to the bath that was already made.

I slipped in and she started to wash my hair with Lemon scented shampoo.

After I got out Michelle came over and dried my hair and brushed it leaving it down.

"Um don't you usually put my hair up" I ask her.

"Yes Ma'am but we are under strict orders from Princess Hazel to leave it down." Michelle says.

"Please stop calling me ma'am and lady" I ask she nods her head.

Bella comes out with a black bag. "Princess Hazel picked this specifically out for you and said not to make any changes" Bella says unzipping the bag.

I gasp its beautiful. Its a light lavender dress with lavender heels and a pretty necklace with my owl earrings.

"If you see Princess Hazel before me please tell her thank you" I hug them and walk out the door.

Piper looks at my outfit and gasps. "Its beautiful" says.

I see she is wearing a maroon off the shoulder lace dress. "Wow that dress is really pretty" I say and we walk down the hall.

"Where were you yesterday" she asks. "Oh I was hanging out with Thalia, Hazel and Coral why" I ask.

"You where spending time with the Princesses" she asks shocked.

"Ya where all really good friends I could introduce you to them after classes" I say.

"Yes please" we head into the hall.

After an hour of really boring classes I go to the library to see if Chiron the tutor might know where they are.

"If your looking for miss Jackson she and miss Grace are in the training arena but I think miss D'Angelo is in the stables." he says.

"Thank you Chiron" I tell him and hug him.

The Queen (Percabeth Selection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora