CHP02: An Awkward Mission

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Juvia rubbed her arm as they walked. She didn't want to look at Lyon. She didn't even want to be here, at least not with Lyon. She sighed looking towards the sky. What was Gray doing? What was he doing with that Lucy girl? Why did he act so.... So cold. "Juvia, your hair is radiant in the sunlight." Lyon said breaking her thoughts. She faced him with a small smile.

"Thank you, Lyon, but... Juvia still doesn't know about this!" She shouted squirming around. Lyon smiled at her. He stuck out his hand towards her.

"No need to be nervous, we'll be done with this mission soon enough, and you can see your precious Gray again. " Lyon said grabbing her hand. She looked down smiling at his gentleness. Gray never showed her such tenderness.

"The flyer says we must find a man by the name of Kuenai, an assassin. A man who kills the innocent to ensure the business of others, despicable..." Juvia said gripping her fists.

Lyon stared at Juvia as she stopped her walking. She gritted her teeth in rage. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Juvia..." Lyon gasped. She looked down.

"How can such evil... Exist in such a beautiful world..." More tears streamed down her cheek. She slowly began to sob. The warmth of his body reassured her. Lyon squeezed her tight as she cried.

"Juvia, please we need to focus... Don't cry." Lyon whispered. She looked down to his arms around her waist.

"Juvia thinks so too..." She whispered. She wiped her eyes standing straight. She smiled at him.

"Thank you Lyon." Lyon nodded smirking. He looked back to Juvia who was staggering behind.

"My pleas-" Juvia's eyes widened as Lyon staggered back His abdomen was showing from torn clothes. Blood leaking from his chest up. His face littered with scratches. Juvia was confused but the shadow kept coming. "Juvia!" Lyon shouted his knees almost buckling.

A high pitched scream came seconds later. Her clothes became tattered as well. She fell to the floor with her arms and legs cut deep. Barely any piece of her skin hadn't been cut. "I don't understand... Juvia's body is made entirely of water..." She whispered wincing in pain.

The shadow disappeared again. Lyon was barely standing. There was something about his inflictions that messed with magic. He knew it. Laughter overwhelmed the streets. It was no wonder the town was empty, everyone feared him.

"Kuenai..." Juvia whispered facing the floor. The laughter increased. The town growing darker.

"You know, it's a shame such a pretty face has to suffer so much pain... But, you'll look more beautiful with your body engulfed with cuts and bruises. That is true beauty." Lyon looked around trying to find the source.

"How dare you openly flirt with my dear Juvia!" He shouted flaring his arms around. He was beginning to get frustrated. "show yourself!" His shoulders tensed as he looked back to Juvia. In front of her stood a black figure.

He touched her cheek tenderly, Juvia practically unconscious. He charged at him. "I told you, you'd look more beautiful." He said tracing her lips with his finger. Lyon threw a punch.

Again the shadow vanished. "Damn it." Lyon muttered.

"Make sure your enemy doesn't get behind you!" Kuenai shouted. He punched Lyon but was immediately stopped. Lyon gripped his fist.

Lyon stared at the sad excuse for an assassin. He wore a black hood almost camouflaging with his black hair. His brown eyes pierced Lyon's soul. His thick brown boots clacked on the floor. He wore black pants and a black shirt under his cloak. None of this intimidated Lyon though. Rage overwhelmed him. "No one touches my dear Juvia!" He formed a fist. "Lion ice fist!" His fist engulfed in ice as he punched Kuenai directly in the face. The black haired assassin staggered back almost falling.

The corner of his mouth bled as he stared at the white haired ice mage. "I forgot... Number one rule of assassins never reveal your cover." He smirked wiping the blood as if it was nothing.

He took out his knife again. "You've already lost. You see my shadow magic has another little trick. With every cut of my shadow blade, your magic energy leaks out until you're nothing but another worthless sac of blood. Blood waiting to be spilled." Lyon gripped his fists he was ready for a real fight now.

He got into fighting stance when a voice distracted him. He turned around where Juvia was swaying back and forth walking to them. "Is that.. Is that... That's all life is to you!" She hollered. She looked up to the assassin steaming mad. The water rose to her ankles. "Juvia used to be just like you. Juvia didn't care who she hurt. When she didn't know what love was, what warmth truly was. When Juvia was with Phantom Lord, a dark place. Now that rain woman is gone. And she's had enough of you!" She motioned towards him. The boiling water striking his body over and over again. She continued to do this over and over again.

In rage Juvia had attacked him over twenty times. Her trance was broken by Lyon's arm. He wrapped his arms around her neck. "Juvia, you've done it again." He began to move back and forth. "I should never have doubted you!" He shouted. Juvia staggered for a while until she stepped forward.

"Juvia is getting dizzy!" She screamed. Lyon let go feeling awkward.

"Right... Should we go retrieve our reward then?" Juvia nodded with a smile.

They knocked on the door once. The plumpish man gladly swung the door open. "Have you done it!" He practically squealed. He clapped his hands joyfully as Lyon and Juvia nodded. He left his seat walking towards a giant window. On the window sill stood a chest. He opened it slowly and reached for four items.

"Here you are, 50,00 jewels and two charms for the lovely couple." He cheered handing them their reward Lyon froze in position and Juvia blushed.

"Couple!" They both shouted. The man stared at them awkwardly as they stood frozen.

Juvia was buried in her thoughts. "The only reason Juvia went on this mission was because Juvia wanted to be one with Gray sama. To wear the charms that would bind us for life." Juvia sighed. Lyon and her were walking back to the guild now. Lyon hadn't broken his concentration from the charm that lay in his hand. Juvia wore hers around her neck hoping that Lyon would be willing to sacrifice his reward to Gray sama.

"I won't wear it if you don't want me to Juvia..." Lyon said out of nowhere. Juvia looked up at him. His eyes still on the charm. He looked saddened. "I just... Wanted to know something Juvia." He whispered. Juvia clutched her charm.

"What is it Lyon..." Juvia asked worried. He gritted his teeth shameful of his words.

"Why love Gray, someone who... who doesn't give you the light of day." Juvia cringed at his words. She didn't want them to be true. Lyon was lying, it was obvious, wasn't it. She couldn't respond as Lyon continued to speak. "A man who fails to return such warmth love, Juvia, if you seek an ice prince, there's one standing right here." Lyon grabbed her chin pulling her towards him. "please Juvia." He whispered. Juvia blushed leaning in.

Lyon was finally going to have his princess, and Juvia her prince. The warmth reassurance of Lyon's words pushed her. She leaned in closer. Gray Fullbuster, was there, but in a way he wasn't...

"No!" She screamed. A blast of water sending Lyon feet away. The attack surprised him but hurt him the most. "Lyon, Juvia can't do this to Gray sama... Not now." Juvia whispered. Lyon walked towards her again. Doing the same as before. Pulling her closer. He didn't hesitate this time. He pulled her into a kiss Juvia's cold dry lips warm now. This time Juvia did nothing. Nothing at all.

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