CHP08: The Tears of an Ice Mage

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Lyon-sama was nice. Juvia thought to herself. When they arrived at the restaurant he pulled out the chair for her and let Juvia order whatever she pleased. He scoured the menu looking for something perfect to get. Juvia smiled as his eyes grazed over the menu towards her. Juvia could feel her heart thump rapidly and a blush overwhelm her cheeks. "Juvia..." She nodded breaking her thoughts.

"Y-Yes?" She stuttered, it made him chuckle a little. His face suddenly turned serious as he lowered his menu. She bit her lip taken back a bit.

"Why, why did you find it so hard to believe that I cared for you so much?" He whispered. Juvia blushed harder at the thought of their last date. She had so rudely ran off. Now she just felt embarrassed.

She took a deep breath about to speak when they were interrupted. "Your drinks." The lovely waiter said placing them on the table. Her boyfriend did all he could not to make the same mistake. He covered his face with his menu as he looked at the female waiter.

"Uh... Thank you." He quickly spat.

"Will there be anything el-"

"No!" He quickly spat again worry and nerves overwhelming him. Juvia giggled as the waiter finally left them alone.

He sighed when she was finally out of sight. "See, Juvia... I've changed." He chuckled. Juvia smiled a little remembering how she had accused Lyon of liking their waiter on their last date. Her smile fell when she remembered his previous question. Now it was her turn to grow serious. It made him even more nervewrecked.

She gulped down her water before she could even think to continue. "Juvia... Juvia used to be a bad person... She tried killing... She tried killing Gray." Lyon hadn't meant to be surprised but his grip on his glass cup tightened so much that it shattered the glass. A tear escaped her eyes. "B-but, Juvia learned to love that day... Juvia learned what real friendship was, and Juvia learned that Phantom Lord, wasn't friendship." He smiled at her, it was something he always liked about Juvia, she was so strong even if she hadn't meant to be.

"That's something we share... Our master Ul, had sacrificed herself to protect Gray and I, I had become so overwhelm with surpassing her I turned evil myself... I tried killing him.." He chuckled remembering it. "The things I've done to poor Gray, I don't even know how he deals with it. I guess I learned to let things go that day." An awkward silence overwhelmed them. One thing were on both of their minds, Gray.

"Gray, never told Juvia about this..." She gasped. "Juvia's not hungry can we do something else Lyon?" She pouted. He smiled nodding as he left some money on the table.

He entered the guild with a dull smile, just his luck. Erza and Mira quickly ran up to him. "Well!" Mira shouted excited. He quickly shook his head sitting at the bar.

"Well, what?" He hissed. Erza bit her lip angered. Mira wiped down the bar counter listening to Erza and Gray.

He sighed before looking back to Erza. "She's happy with Lyon, I doubt she even thinks of me now." Mira quickly passed him a beer which he gladly caught. "Maybe I was dumb and made my move way too late. I didn't even know she-" Erza's glare made him stop his sentence.

She quickly changed into armor form pointing her sword at Gray. "I told you Gray! You must've sensed her love you have no one to blame but yourself!" Gray sighed thinking a bit. Maybe Erza was right he definately couldn't blame Lyon.

He walked beside her awkwardly but eventually he felt comfortable enough to wrap his arm around her shoulder. She tensed a bit but after a deep breath eased into his touch. "Juvia... There's an amusement park in town, can I take you there?" Juvia's face lightened up.

Too Much Ice GruvionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora