CHP06: Realization

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Gray walked into the guild to be greeted by his old friend Lyon. He was at the bar talking to Cana and Mira. His smile couldn't be bigger as he looked back and forth between the two with his hand motions. The two girls laughed and awed at whatever he was talking about. The vein in Gray's forehead throbbed. Why was he so arrogant? He laughed sitting there toasting to the girls as he drank his beer. Gray shoved his hands into his pockets approaching him, he thought it odd that Juvia's supposed boyfriend was here and she wasn't.

"Juvia-chan had the brightest smile when I told her." He said smugly staring into the distance. Gray didn't know why he hadn't interrupted yet. He was behind Lyon but he let him continue talking. "Her beauty glimmered as we walked along the beach! I've found my princess, and I couldn't be-"

"Why the hell are you still here!" The white-haired mage took a quick sip of his beer before cracking his knuckles and facing Gray.

"Gray come to claim what's not yours?" He whispered. Gray quickly smashed his forehead against his.

"Are you trying to say something?" He growled. Lyon frowned pressing weight against Gray's skull.

"It's too late for that Gray. Things between my beloved are going all too well." He gloated. Gray narrowed his eyes removing the coat he wore. 

"I can't deal with you right now Lyon! Not talking at least." He growled. At this point, Gray didn't really know what he was doing. Why was he so upset with just one little date. He didn't let himself think about it as Lyon took off his own coat.

"It's about time you've realized your mistakes." He muttered. "Snow dragon!" He shouted clasping his fists together. Gray was still trying to figure this all out but the crash of the dragon sending him back made him focus. It didn't matter, all he knew for now was that he was pissed. "Not enough eh? How 'bout this one!" Lyon screamed. Before he could continue Gray steadied his form.

"Ice make: Hammer!" He shouted letting it fall onto Lyon. He quickly shot back up sending ice solid doves at Gray.

He shook his head as he ran to him. "Why do you find the urge to take everything from me!" He hollered. Gray crossed his arms blocking as he flung his ice fists at him. 

"What the hell are you talking aout!" He screamed as Lyon's fist finally made contact with his face. He was sent flying into one of the guild's wall.

Gray's words just made him even more angrier.  Lyon looked down trying to steady his erractic breathing. "Don't pretend like you don't know!" He shouted. Gray lay on the bricks of what used to be one of the guild's walls. He rubbed his head already tired of the nonsense his friend was spitting at him.

He tried to get to his feet but found himself slouching and slowly becoming out of breath. Lyon was literally throwing everything he had at him. "I'm not acting. You've finally gone nuts!" He screamed. Lyon slowly shook his head.

He slowly approached Gray back to his calm self. The two mages were out of breath scratches on both their bare chests. The white haired mage slowly lifted his hand and put it on Gray's head. He coughed a few times before he looked up at him with a frown. "You've taken so much... and you want more!" He shouted. He couldn't find the strenght to harm him so he decided to glare. "Ul, she was my master! And you... You killed her." He slowly whispered. Gray backed away punching Lyon in the face. It sent him staggering back. Tears filled Gray's eyes and a single tear left Lyon. 

"Don't ever say that!" He argued looking more to the floor than his so called friend. Lyon lifted his head slightly clenching his fist.

"If you hadn't gone for Deliora! She'd still be here! Ul... And now, now you want my precious Juvia!" He shouted finally falling to his knees. He sighed at his last statement. Juvia, he hadn't seen her today and still she was the main conflict between the two.

"I don't like her that way!" He shouted crossing his arms and sitting on the grass. Lyon punched the floor not lifting his head as he slowly whispered.

'but she loves you..." He couldn't look up as he lay his arm on the grass. He wanted to see Gray's reaction but feared being greeted with a simple smirk. In reality Gray stood there, shocked at Lyon's state. He shrugged approaching him. Juvia, he didn't really think of her that way. He found her even annoying at times, but one thing truly stuck to him. Whenever they were together, Gray was always different. Always smiling or screaming, even sometimes scared of the water mage. He gazed down at Lyon one more time before it finally clicked.

He hadn't meant to say it aloud, no especially not in front of him. But that was just how it came out. "I love her too." He closed his eyes not wanting to see his reaction. He didn't even know how to feel about it himself. He walked calmly into the guild hall as if nothing had happened. All that he really knew was, he needed to talk to Juvia.

(A/N) Hey guys so I like really love Lyon and I really love Juvia, and I want the two to be happy. But I think Juvia would be happiest with Gray but Lyon would be happiest with Juvia... So I'm torn between who she should pick! So comment if you want Gray comment if you want Lyon PLEASE PRETTY PWEASE THANKS!

Update: This book is complete: to see who Juvia chooses you'll have to finish reading ^.^ but that also means I'm not depending the ending on comments. So please read till the end to find out thanks :)

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