CHP10: Don't Let me Go

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Juvia woke up with a smile. She yawned stretching. Her Gray items were gathered around on her counter. She didn't need them anymore, that's what Gray-sama said.  She kissed each of her plushies skipping to the guild.  "Gray-sama!" She yelled. Gray lowered his head slouching. She pranced in the guild which made Gray bite his lip  and blush a little. 

Gray looked up to see Juvia in a slick black strapless dress with curly gray frills at the bottom reaching her knees. She wore huge diamond shaped earrings and light blue lipstick. She put her hands together moving back and forth in front of Gray. "Oi... Juvia." He whispered. She blushed intensely. "Uh, nothing has to change alright?" He looked away with his clear blush.

"Gray, what do you mean? Are you and Juvia?" Mira quickly covered her gasp. The vein in Gray's forehead started to throb. Juvia grabbed his arm pulling him close. He didn't hesitate but still didn't look at her directly.

"Yes Juvia loves Gray-sama." She whispered kissing him on the cheek. It made Gray blush harder finally making him look at her. "Juvia picked this dress out especially for today!" She shouted hugging him harder.  He sighed scratching the back of his head. All she wanted him to do was notice her dress to say anything, anything that showed her he liked it. She smiled as he took a closer look even blushed. Gray-sama. She gave him that dazed look.

"Oi." He said as Juvia began to daydream again. 

"Eh?" She asked. He sighed again looking down.

"You still have the tag on your dress."  She looked down a shadow overwhelming her. I'm not trained for this! She thought. Once she began to freak out she felt Gray's hand. It brushed over her dress he quickly tugged the tag and gave her a discrete kiss on the cheek.

"Eh?" She began to look back at Gray but he quickly went to the mission board.

"I'm going on a mission, you wanna tag along Juvia? Just... us?" Juvia couldn't give a bigger smile as Mira and Erza pushed her forward. 

The white  haired mage sighed easing into the bar chair. "Lyon!" She shouted. He looked up dully to see her bright smile. He had to admit it did make him smile. "Come on join me for dinner to celebrate Sherry's marriage!"  He took a sip of his beer then let it sit there. Maybe letting go of Juvia was for the best because now there was more room for different joys. He smiled as Chelia cheered her blue eyes widening.

He watched as she pranced forward. He swore she never ran out of energy it exhausted him at best. He smiled as she looked back at him. "Gray-sama! Hurry Juvia wants to get to the inn!" He looked at her as she ran her blue locks bouncing on her shoulder. If he hadn't noticed it earlier, even if Lyon had never dated her. If he continued to be an arrogant jerk. Any little thing would've lead to hell. A life without Juvia, how annoying. He smiled but realized the distance between them the more distance meant more agony. 

"I'm coming hold up!" He shouted as he began to run. He'd keep coming too, because no way was he losing her, never again. "I love you Juvia."

"Ju- I love you too."

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