Part 10

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You awoke in a strange place, the air to the place gave off a bad vibe, you looked around as you sat up and began to walk. Clang you jumped as the sudden noise startled you, you scanned the room until, your eyes wandered to your right ankle. You were shackled to a very large Boulder, and to make sure you didn't lift it, it was covered by spikes. You sigh in defeat, but that's when you heard faint voices coming towards your room, you were about to jump on the ceiling when you remembered the chain. That's when it clicked you can always rip off your foot and grow another one back, *so that's step one* you thought. That's when the doors opened to reveal Zalgo and his proxies including your female self, you leaned against the stone slabbed wall and glared at them all. Your female counterpart came up to you "aw what's wrong baby you want a kiss" you taunted, when she stood in front of you she punched you in the face, as your head slammed against the wall, you barely felt a thing, she continued to punch your head into the wall, as you didn't feel anything, it was until, she started slamming your head repeatedly into the wall, that you started to feel it. Zalgo then told or rather ordered her to stop, as your entire head was nothing but mush, you reached up as you thought your eyes were badly hurt that they swelled up, but that's when you freaked out and started swinging wildly with no head. This made Zalgo laugh as his proxies joined in, you were in complete agony, you have never felt pain like this before, sure you had no head anymore but a pile of mush, but the fear you felt, was as if you were a child again alone, abandoned, scavenging in the garbage for scraps, that is until you met that happy couple that took you in. But if you had a head right now, you would be screaming, Zalgo then rebuilt your head as if it was an illusion, you were hyper ventilating, you started to beg them to have mercy, the others laughed and grinned. But going through your head right now was, *im going to die in here aren't I*?

Day 1

The torture had begun they did the same thing smashed your head into pieces with you still alive and they beat you until your broken.

Day 2

The torture continued as they had your limbs being stretched until they ripped out of your sockets. And they cut off your face as one of there proxies used it as a mask.

Day 3

You were dumped in acid as it slowly melted away your flesh, if it wasn't for your healing you'd be dead by now.

Day 4

They cut you open as they examined the device keeping you alive they dressed you up in your own organs.

Day 5

They beat the living shit out of you until you died only to have Zalgo raise you back from the dead and repeated the process the whole day only for you to have an hour of rest.

Day 6

They began starving you, as you haven't ate in 7 days.

Day 14

Zalgo burned you alive with his flames as you were crucified and preformed a demon ritual.

Day 15

You are now possessed by the demon Known as Legion but he started to feel sorry for you so now you too are friends, and ally's you decided to take turns at the tortures.

Day 16

Legion let you gain control as he took a brutal torture by laughing Jack as he nailed your legs to a chair and continued up and used fish hooks to keep him watching.

Day 17

It was your turn as you got shocked in the electric chair for 24 hours but the good news is they didn't torture you for a whole entire day.

Day 19

your starting to hear the voices of your girls you scream at the voices to stop, you started to kick out but only to have many arms hold you down.

The torture stopped, you slowly open your eyes to see a beautiful sight, it's the girls "am I...dead"? You ask, your voice barely audible, Sally hugs you as she cries the rest of the girls hug you as you look up to see a new person standing there. "Legion"? You ask, he kneels down, he has dark brown eyes, brown skin, black long hair, combat boots, a grey trench coat on, with black cargo pants on, he kneels down, and says "it's been a pleasure my friend, you will not be forgotten" he starts crying as you say in a joking manner "hey I'm not going to die, I'll be alright" you began to feel tired, "I need to rest" you say Sally hugs you tighter...

As you take...your one final breath...and die...

Hey my fellow readers and that is your Creepypasta X Male Reader Story i know the torture part was brutal I should have put out a warning but it didn't even cross my mind, anyways leave comments on what you think follow me, as I always follow back, and this is Susanoo and that's a rap.

Up on a hill were the fog does not touch is a tombstone, with the name Y/N L/N may his soul find peace our Survivor.

The clouds start to swirl around as the winds pick up it starts to rain when's single bolt of lightning hits your grave.

The winds pick up as the ground starts to move, and what happens next is a clawed hand shoots out, and reaches to the sky.

Male Survivor Reader X Female CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now