Part 7

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Nurse Ann can work wonders she healed you up pretty good, your muscles felt like you could fight forever, since that device was planted into your chest replacing your heart. You went to the training room but by the looks of it the room was a fucking stadium, you try to act like an opera singer as your voice echoed throughout the whole room. You walked around take big in the sights when you find a punching bag, you get in a fighting stance as you begin your assault. Punch after punch the hits echo throughout the gym and out the mansion, you move on to kicks as you roundhouse the punching bag with all your strength as the bag flies and breaks off its chain. You were surprised at this as you were sweaty and breathing heavy, you go and grab another as you set it up with one arm. You then decide to use anger as you picture everything you hate bullies, rapists, terrorists, racists and that's when you snap. Your punches start out normal but then they start to become faster, as your punching you felt something sharp poking your palms as you opened them you began slapping the bag you were in a frenzy as images flashed through your mind like wildfire as you pictured your friends and new found family dead there bodies scattered around you, screaming in anger you felt your hand go through the bag. You gasped as you caught your breath, that's when you noticed your hand your fingers had turned into claws with black veins snaking all over your S/C. You watched as your hand turned to normal but the veins stayed the same, you started to hyperventilate as you screamed. Jess Sally and Slenda arrived first with there weapons ready the others soon followed. That's when they saw your arm, Slenda teleported beside you as she began to examine it "shit I didn't think it would work this fast" Slenda said in a worried voice, "what did you do to me"? You asked in a voice that clearly showed your pissed. "I-" she was cut off by Nurse Ann Saying "She did what she had to impede to save your life, what happened now is no shocking news but it should only happen when your angry, or having to deal with great pain and tremendous loss". You shuddered "so what your saying is my power runs in emotions" Ann added "it depends really on how much you feel towards that emotion, he'll have enough anger you could probably take on Slenda and Zalga A 2 v 1 probably" you chuckled as you then had an insane grin on your face "well then what are we waiting for let's get this show on the road" you stood up as Slenda And Zalga stood by each other's sides "just like the good old days huh sister" said Zalga in a monotone voice "man it's been so long I have had to fight ever since those demons you-" Zalga hit Slenda in the gut leaving you confused "now is not the time little sister" Slenda only glared at her or what you assume is a glare. You then got ready as Slenda's Tentacles came out if her back and arched in your direction, Zalga then crossed her arms across her chest with the palms faced upwards as flames came out of them, she also levitated of the ground with fire all around her. You then focused on your anger as you felt your hands change into claws, your entire picture changed as your skin went a sickly greenish grey with black veins shooting out all over your body face hands arms legs. That's when you noticed your feet had changed with your nails nothing but sharp bone *dear god I hope I heal* you thought. You both waited as Jess came out in a referee outfit that was literally too small for her rather large bust as it looked her boobs would burst out of the outfit any second. Her shorts are black booty shorts her top would be described as a tiny bikini because you can see the majority of her boobs but not the- "Hey Y/N focus" you turn around as a fire ball hits you in the face as your sent flying back. You hit the wall behind you as your back snaps there are a lot of screams and gasps, but that's when you start to pick yourself up your bones snap crack and pop back into place as you grab your head and put it back into place. Everyone is staring at you now some in disbelief others in shock but most in disgust. You then charge at Slenda as she sighs and says "really confident much" her arms go on the offensive you duck roll jump and even run on some of her arms as your getting close you go for a punch but is stopped mid air. Looking around in confusion you realize it's Slenda "you have Telepathy" you scream she simply chuckles and says how else are were we able to survive the apocalypse", Zalga lets put a sigh of relief as you once again are left confused as to why she's acting like this. You figured you'd ask later as your about to open your mouth to say something Zalga hits you with another Fireblast as your sent flying but this time you latch onto the wall. Everyone was caught in surprise as you grin and crawl up the wall, "I'll get him" says Zalga she then shoot like a bullet after you, you jump onto her back just in time to deliver a blow to her head as she falls and hits the ground, you however land perfectly fine, you then jump on her and deliver punch after punch at insane speeds. You stop as Zalga taps out, Jess says win by tap out, you smile as you help her up, "that was a good-" before you can finish Slenda came up behind you as she picks you up by the legs and slams you on the floor over and over again (just like hulk did to Loki in the first Avengers movie) she then tossed you aside as you lay there on your back as Slenda swipes her palms together and says "Good fight" you then groan "No it wasn't".
The girls all clap for Slenda as some go to check if your ok, you wave them off as the doorbell to the mansion goes off. You then see Zalga had a look of fear as she bolted for the door, you changed back to your normal attire and followed. A girl with stitches all over her face spoke to Zalga in an Angry voice "Zalga you went to far with your creations they hurt Helen" you looked over to see a girl in a blue outfit injured with half her mask broken "I'm aware of that Liu but-" the one known as Liu spoke up "No if it wasn't for your obsession to kill off the human race we would've been fine". You gasp catching everyone's attention "You did what"? Zalga looked at you worried "n-now Y/N it wasn't my fault" you then yell "Your the reason I was the only human left" you then change into your Zombie form and walked to your room you slammed the door in anger almost breaking it. You sat down and started to cry as you realized you have no hope in finding another human, but that's when it clicks your not a human anymore but a ghoul. You laid on your bed and quietly wept until you fell asleep.

Hey what's good in the hood my fellow readers leave a comment on what you think of this chapter and if you have any friends that loves creepypastas please tell them
About my story and get them to follow me as I always follow back now then this is Susanoo and that's a rap.

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