Jason wore a purple suit, a black tie and a black mask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Jason wore a purple suit, a black tie and a black mask.

 Frank wore a black suit, with a black tie and a black mask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Frank wore a black suit, with a black tie and a black mask.

 (A/N and Leo is last because he is the best!)Finally, Leo was wearing a red suit, with the top buttons unbuttoned, and a silver mask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(A/N and Leo is last because he is the best!)
Finally, Leo was wearing a red suit, with the top buttons unbuttoned, and a silver mask.

 (A/N and Leo is last because he is the best!)Finally, Leo was wearing a red suit, with the top buttons unbuttoned, and a silver mask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Let me be the first to say, we look smokin' hot. Especially me. Just sayin'," Leo says with a smile, "We are gonna be the hottest group there."

"Maybe you could finally break up with Drew and date that new girl, Perce," Frank comments.

"Oh yeah, that girl was totally in to you. And you definitely like her," Jason adds.

"Once you ask your crushes out, I will ask Annabeth out," I tell them crossing my arms.

"Well, can I make a move on her? She is totally hot!" Leo pipes up.


"Jeez! I was kidding! But someone else will if you don't grow the balls to do if your self," Leo response.

He's not wrong. None of them are. Annabeth's a hot girl, who will have boys falling at her feet. But the thing is, Annabeth won't care.

We walk in the gym, which is being used as the dance area, and I scan the place for Drew. She said she would be wearing a pink lace mask.

I find Drew. She is making out with some dude. My jaw drops, and a she sees me.

Drew walks over, "I breaking up with you, by the way." She just walks away. Just like that.
That bitch.

To be totally honest I was going to break up with her tonight anyway.

Annabeth's POV
We walk in and all I see is a bunch of couples making out on the dance floor. They were right. These things are all about couples and making single people feel bad about themselves.

"I'm gonna grab some punch. You want any?" I ask the other two girls.

"Nah, someone probably spiked the punch," Piper tells me.

"That's the adventure! Have you never been to a school dance Piper? That's the way of getting to know the school without talking to people. If it's a good school know one will spike the punch. If not, we'll..." I tell her.

"It's up to you, but I don't want any either. Tell us if this is a good school or not. I want to know," Hazel says.

I walk over to the punch bowl and can already tell I wouldn't like the person serving the punch.

The person had a smug look on his face. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm Octavian. What's your name gorgeous?" When he said this he wasn't looking at my face, instead looking at my body. Okay now I know I hate this guy.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out. Leave me alone. All I want is some punch," I tell him.

"Come on! What wrong? You need to loosen up," Octavian says.

"She said leave her alone, teddy bear murderer!" a voice behind me says.

"What are you her boyfriend? I thought you were dating," the obnoxious guy says.

The new guy rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "Is that seriously the best you got? Did you go soft?"

"No- I- uh- don't know..." Octavian stutters. I smirk at the look on his face.

"That's what I thought. Bye now," the boy tells Octavian. He puts his hands on my shoulders and we walk away.

Once a good distance away I turn and face him. He has crazy, black hair and a navy blue suit. He's pretty cute actually.

"I didn't need your help," I say to him crossing my arms.

"Wow! No thanks for your help or anything? I should get more graduate. I'm really regretting helping you," the boy with black hair tells me, "You know he has raped 6 girls at this school and got kicked out of his last because of 13 others! No one should deal with him. No one. I did it for your own good."

"Thanks, I guess," I mumble looking down at my feet.

"Did you just thank me?! Can I get that on record?!" he says in mock surprise. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up," I tell him.

"If you dance with me for a whole song."

"Fine," I say as the next song comes on. I was hoping it would be a fast song, but of course the song is Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.

The boy holds me close and we sway to the beat of the song.

Percy's POV
I held the girl close. I wish I knew who she was.

She was beautiful. That's an understatement. She was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen. I smile to myself holding her close loving the feel of her in my arms...

We dance till the night ends. When the last note of the last song goes out she pulls away.

"I've got to go meet my friends. I'll see you around," she tells me and walks away.

"How will I find you?" I ask but she is already out of hearing range. I watch her leave until I can no longer see her.

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