Chapter 2-Opening

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We are now in a store and one android is waking up. MODEL AX400. SERIAL#: 579 102 694. BIOS 7.4 REVISION 0483. REBOOT...MEMORY RESET.LOADING OS...SYSTEM INITIALIZATION...CHECKING BIOCOMPONENTS... OK. INITIALIZING BIOSENSORS...OK. INITIALIZING AI ENGINE...OK. MEMORY STATUS... ALL SYSTEMS...OK.READY. The android opens her eyes. The date is November 5, 2038. The time is 3:24 PM.

Android employee 1: This is the top of the range household assistant. It cooks 10,000 different dishes, speaks 200 languages and dialects and handles the kids' homework from elementary school up to university level.

Woman : Wow, honey, it looks amazing... This is exactly what we need...

Man : How much did you say it costs?

Android employee 1: At the moment we're doing a special promotion on this entire range at $7999, with a 48-months interest free-credit. And it comes with a two-year warranty for parts and labor.

Man : We'll take it.

Android employee 1: An excellent choice, sir. If you'll just follow me, we'll process the order.

As you can see androids are selling androids. We see a mom pulling her daughter Jodie out of the store.

Mother: Come on, Jodie. Let's go.

We see more people shopping at the android store.

Man : We're still gonna have to finance it, I can't pay for that cash.

Android employee 2: Good afternoon! Can I help you?

Man : Please, we're looking for a little help around the house.

Android employee 2: The MP500 is a very basic model, it pretty much handles all the chores around the house. I can show you another model.

Man : Okay.

Android employee 2: It does absolutely all the work around the house: painting,plumbing, gardening, repairs. At night, it switches to surveillance mode and contacts emergency services if there's a break-in, or if it detects smoke.

Man : Excuse me, how much is that one over there?

Android employee 2: The MP800 is slightly more expensive, but it has many other functions. Come along and I'll show you.

Man : Slightly more expensive and lots of functions... I don't like this guy. I'm not spending a penny over four. That's it. Okay? Forget about it.

A mean human named Josh walks into the building to pick up his android.

Human employee: Thank you, and we're good.

Josh: Can I go pick it up?

Human employee: Yeah, right back here. There it is. It was a bit difficult getting it back in working order. It was really messed up... What did you say happened to it again?

Josh: Huh, A car hit it... Stupid accident...

Human employee: Oh, I see... Anyway, it's as good as new now... Except that we had to reset it. Meaning we had to wipe its memory. Hope you don't mind.

Josh: That'll be fine.

Human employee: Okay, did you give it a name?

Josh: My daughter did...

Human employee: AX400, register your name.

Josh: Maddie.

Maddie: My name is Maddie.

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