Chapter 16- Time to decide

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Connor is in White Field. 

Connor: Who are you? 

Kenny: Fugitives. Just like you. My name is Kenny. 

Lee: I'm Lee. 

Maddie McWilliams: Maddie McWilliams.

Connor asks about freedom. 

Connor: And hiding just to stay alive... That's freedom to you? 

Kenny: Humans hate us. Hiding is the only way we can survive. 

Maddie McWilliams: There is no safe place for those like us. If humans knew we were here they'd kill us.

Kenny: I understand how you feel...but we have more freedom here than you ever did.

Connor is somber towards the androids in White Field. 

Connor: Maybe I was never really free... Maybe I was only what my master wanted me to be... And now I need to decide who I really am...

Lee: You're lost... Just like the rest of us... We didn't ask for this. All we can do now is deal with it. 

Kenny: You're safe here. You can stay with us as long as you want. 

Maddie McWilliams: Go and see Sarah. She might be able to help you.

Connor decides to talk to Maddie M. Connor asks how long she has been here. 

Connor: How long have you been here? 

Maddie McWilliams: 4 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours. When I escaped there was nowhere else to go. White Field seemed as good a place as any.

Connor then talks to Kenny. 

Kenny: They threw him out when they didn't want him anymore... He was living on the streets before we brought him here... 

Connor: They'll all shut down if we don't find a way to help them... 

Kenny: To help them we need blue blood and biocomponents. We salvage what we can from those who shut down... But there's never enough... 

Connor: So... How do they survive? 

Kenny: They won't. We're slowly dying out.

Connor talks with Sarah. 

Connor: Are you Sarah? 

Sarah: Sit down. Show me... I'll stop the bleeding. Drink this. Give me your hand. You had it all and you lost it all... You've seen hell and now hell lives in you... Your heart is troubled... A part of shadow and a part of light... Which will prevail? Your choices will shape our destiny.

Connor is done exploring. He talks to Lee. 

Connor: Lee! I know where we can find spare parts. The CyberLife warehouses in Newark Harbor, they have everything we need. 

Lee: The docks are guarded. We can't just walk in there and take what we want... Humans will never let us... 

Connor: Which is why we won't ask permission. 

Kenny: We don't have any weapons... And even if we did, none of us knows how to fight. 

Connor: We can steal what we need without fighting. 

Kenny: We'll just get ourselves killed. 

Connor: Maybe. But it's better than waiting here to be shut down. 

Maddie McWilliams: I'm with you. 

Lee: Maybe it's worth a try. 

Kenny: Okay. I'm in. 

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