Chapter 30- Crossroads

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With Maddie, Belle, Sarah, and Loki. They are in a car.

Sarah: They've been conducting raids all over the city... Everybody is on edge after what happened yesterday... It's gonna be all right. We're almost there. A little further on that way, there's a large field called White Field. When you get there, find Connor. He will help you. The last bus for the border leaves at midnight. You absolutely have to be on it. You'll be safer on the other side. It's not much, but it's a start. My brother lives in Whiterun, I've given you his address... He'll be able to hide you until things calm down. You're a very brave little girl, Belle. You deserve to be happy.

Maddie: Thank you for everything, Sarah.

Sarah: Let me know when you make it over there, all right? And be careful. Take care of them.

Loki: Come on, girls. We better not hang around. We have a bus to catch.

With Sean. Sean is looking for White Field. With Maddie, Loki, and Belle. They are in White Field.

Maddie: We've got to find a warm place for Belle.

Maddie finds a warm place for Belle.

Maddie: How do you feel?

Belle: I'm hot and cold at the same time...

Maddie: Stay with her. I'll try to find this Connor.

Loki: The last bus is in two hours. And the terminal's on the other side of town, we haven't got much time.

Maddie: We'll leave as soon as we have passports...

Loki: Maddie... There's something I have to tell you... It's about Belle...

Maddie: We'll have lots of time to talk on the bus... I'll be back. Stay with Belle.

Maddie finds Connor.

Maddie: Are you Connor? I'm with a little girl and another android... There's a bus leaving for the border in less than two hours, and we need passports...

Connor: No, Newark's under curfew. There're soldiers everywhere and they're rounding up all the androids and sending them to camps... Maybe you should stay here a while.

Maddie: Maybe you're right... We might be safer here until things calm down.

Connor: One of our people used to work in the State Department. He has electronic passports he can easily modify. I'll have him get them to you.

Maddie: Thank you.

Connor: You said you're with a little girl, right? You know that humans hate us... Why are you protecting her?

Maddie: She needs me. And I need her. It's as simple as that...

Maddie returns to Belle. Maddie finds out that Belle is an android.

Maddie: Belle?..

Loki: You knew from the beginning. You just didn't want to see it. She wanted a mom, and you wanted someone to care for. You needed each other. What difference does it make? Do you love her any less now that you know she's one of us? Belle loves you Maddie. She loves you more than anything in the world. She became the little girl you wanted! And you became the mother she needed. Forgetting who you are, to become what someone needs you to be... Maybe that's what it means to be alive.

Belle: Maddie? Is there something wrong?..

Maddie hugs Belle.

Belle: We'll be together forever, won't we Maddie?

Maddie: Yes, forever...

Sean arrives to White Field. He starts to go up the stairs when Sarah stops him.

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