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Thank you for the immense love and support to this story! Though I have five other Samaina stories published that have been received very well, this one has been an instant hit.

I have received several messages that they loved the story for its uniqueness and the suspense element. So guys,  please let's keep it that way.

I can assure you that it is a Samaina story and they are meant to be together against all odds, but please understand that this is a mysterious paranormal romance and that's why you have loved it so much. I would try to accommodate my reader's wishes as much as I can but the story has to follow its own course before they come face to face. You are free to appreciate or give constructive criticism but continuous demands of Samina milan and more of their scenes would jeopardise the storyline, and if you have read my past works, I never waver from the essence of the story/title.

As a reader, if you are interested in only Samaina scenes, I would recommend to pick several nice stories from the pool that revolve only around the leads or the gang or core characters.

Please understand that as a writer, I have to do some basic research on different scenarios like business, history, archeology, languages, philosophy, city layouts, etc, to keep the story intriguing and engaging, and it takes up a lot of time and effort.

So, I would advise you to relax, be patient, and just enjoy the read. However, I will continue the story only if I get at least 50 supporters who are really interested in the whole story than just Samaina, otherwise I may have to pull the plug off it.

Thanks for the love and support to my works!

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