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(Sorry for not updating in a bit. I hope to get back into an updating schedule soon~ )


Joshua entered the school's gymnasium as the basketball players were warming up for their varsity game. He didn't change out of his new look to keep the image for the party afterward. Vernon waved to Joshua before catching the ball that was passed to him. Joshua suddenly felt anxious because most of the people he talked to played basketball, so he wouldn't have someone to cling to in case of an awkward situation.

"Josh!" Kyungmi's sweet voice called. Joshua turned his head to see her sitting in the bleachers next to some of her friends. She flashed him a brilliant smile.

"Joshua Hong?" a boy named Jeonghan questioned as he sat behind Kyungmi. He pushed back his blond hair and gave a breathy laugh. "You're looking a bit different today."

"This is cool-guy Joshua," Kyungmi giggled and patted the spot next to her for Joshua to sit.

His heart was pounding from her gesture, but also the anxiety of all the people around. He walked over to the bleachers and took the seat.

   "Okay, cool-guy Joshua," Jeonghan grinned and let his hand fall onto Joshua's shoulder, "it's nice to meet you."

   "Is that really Joshua?" A girl named Minji from a couple of Joshua's classes peeked at him around Kyungmi. Yunji, basically Minji's other-half, did the same.

"You look different," Yunji giggled and scanned Joshua's outfit. "I didn't recognize you."

   Joshua was feeling overwhelmed from the attention his look received. Kyungmi chuckled, nudging her friends back. She turned her attention fully to Joshua and smiled. "I told my parents all about you and how you're so helpful. They really want to meet you."

   Joshua's heart fluttered as a shade of pink fell on his face. "Th-they want to meet me?"

   Kyungmi nodded and giggled. "Will you join us for dinner Sunday night at my house?"

   "Yes, of course." Joshua blushed from the giddy feeling inside of him. Just a few days ago, Joshua would only see Kyungmi walk through the halls. He thought he wouldn't never even get to talk to her. Now he's here, planning to eat dinner with her family Sunday evening.

The scoreboard buzzed to indicate that game was about to begin. The schools cheered for their teams as they called out the line-up. Vernon was one of the starters.

"Have you ever played any sports, Joshua?" Kyungmi questioned, directing herself toward Joshua. He examined her expression, seeing interest in her eyes.

"I played soccer in Elementary school," Joshua started, "but that didn't last for long."

He thought back to the couple of years he played and a hard kick that sent the ball flying towards his face. His reflects were not fast enough. After that game, he decided the sport was not his cup-of-tea as he held an ice pack to his broken nose.

"How about you?" Joshua asked Kyungmi.

"My parents have made me play tennis ever since I was really young." Kyungmi's head tilted to the side as her eyes looked up to the ceiling as if she was in thought. "I enjoy playing, but at the same time I wish they asked for my opinion."

"I think most parents have a certain idea of how they want their kid to grow up to be." Joshua sighed, seeing the truth in his words from all the times his parents tried to get him to play sports.

Kyungmi nodded, pressing her lips together. "That is true." Something seemed to cloud her eyes. Something dark. Joshua decided to change the subject, thinking she felt uncomfortable.

"Have you eaten?" Joshua fished out his wallet. "I wanted to go get some popcorn from the concession stand and I can get you something as well."

Kyungmi's smile returned. "I have eaten, but something sweet would be nice. I don't want you to have to pay for me. I'll walk with you to get myself something."

Joshua and Kyungmi stood up from the bleachers and left the gymnasium just as the crowd went wild for a guy named Seokcheol making a shot.

   "What are you getting?" Joshua wondered as the two waited in the short line.

   Kyungmi poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue and scanned the sign. "A water and skittles, probably."

   Joshua nodded as he walked up to the counter to order. "I'll have a popcorn, two waters, and a pack of skittles."

   Kyungmi walked up to him and lightly hit his shoulder, though there was amusement on her face. "Joshua, I told you I would buy my own."

   Joshua smiled shyly and found it hard to look her in the eye with such a bright expression. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I did that?" He messed with his fluffy hair while talking.

   "And he's fluent in flattery." Kyungmi leaned against the concession counter to try and meet his eyes. "You are just full of surprises, you know that?"

   Joshua shrugged, forcing himself to meet her eyes. "I was raised to treat a lady kindly."

   "I admire that." Her eyes sparkled. "Most guys have no class anymore. It's refreshing to know someone like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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