Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.

Start from the beginning

He gave me a small smile, which you could hardly see because of his long beard. "Well I best be off my friend. I thank you for your kindness and I wish I could repay you, but I have a sleeping kingdom to wake."


Thranduil's P.O.V

I feel utterly weak. Weaker than I have ever felt in my entire existence. The injured part of my face felt as if it was slashed a thousand times with razor sharp daggers. I leaned against an old fallen tree as I watched the men prepare for a restless night to come. As they gathered more resources, the more my headache seemed to grow. It was not from the men, but from the annoying sound of children crying. I wished I left those rats to die and I hope they die of grief and sorrow.

What the hell are you thinking?! This isn't you! Wake up for heaven sake's! Be rid of this evil that has corrupted your mind, Thranduil!

A voice boomed in my head, causing me to wince in pain, earning a few stares from the men. I gave them a glare in return as I watched the pathetic young girl sulk in the corner with her useless sleeping brother in her arms. I pulled the woollen blanket up to my shoulders and closed my eyes. We'll be back home tomorrow noon, back home to my love, Neawilth.


Belle's P.O.V

I watch as I walk through the crowded ballroom, where the poisoned women lay. Some men and women were crouching beside them, healers most likely. I continued to pass them until I met a closed door, hearing whispers from behind it. Taking hold of the knob, I twisted it and was greeted with small startle eyes. Ollie and his two older sisters, among other children, were crowding around an old looking wardrobe. As I came near, there was a sudden jolt that came from the wardrobe, causing the children and I to jump. "What's in there?!" I asked out loud, taking a few steps forward until I was standing in front of it.

I lifted my hand to the handle only to hear Ollie mumble "Don't go in there Belle, the monster will eat you up" he warned followed by a lot of mumbles in agreement. "Don't open that do-" But it was already too late. As the door slowly open, my heart stopped. The wardrobe was empty, pitch black and cold, the faint scent of mould and mouth balls. But I wasn't paying attention to that. There, in the far corner of the wardrobe were two glowing red eyes, steering right back at me.

I felt myself choke on my own breath. Every time it blinked I was shown Raina's death, taking in her last breath until dying. Then I was shown my mother's death, how the blood covered my hands as she desperately tried to talk... as if her life depended on it.

"Stop...stop it!" my voice came out as a mere whisper as I was shown the images playing repeatedly in front of my face. "Please stop...stop, stop!...STOP IT PLEASE!" my voice broke into a yell, as I felt the tears flow down my cheeks.

But Suddenly I heard someone speaking in my mind, saying the words over and over again. Her voice croaky with age as she said the words:

"Within a moons time, a great battle will take place.

Two swords will fight, one dark, one bright.

One will lose, the other to earn the right.

Pure tears will fall, kingdoms reunite once more.

The banished will be restored or pledged into complete disappear.

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