Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.

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 Ollie's P.O.V

Being held high in the air with your arms and feet bound, is not fun. I had a piece of cloth over my mouth to muffle the cries I made. I was hauled over by one of the creepy strangers. His eyes were soo black it looked like he was dead. I think he is dead; he smells really bad. Like old fish smothered in cat's vomit.

I was being carried further into the forest. My ribs ached from being on this creepy guy's shoulder. I am not a bag! All of a sudden, I heard the familiar sounds of running water, making my eyes go wide.

The Silver River

"Oh no they are going to drown me!" I started to squirm furiously, anything to escape. "I didn't eat that many berries before breakfast! Please, I'll be a good boy! I'll change my greedy ways. I promise." Now tears were gushing down my cheeks, knowing that my muffle pleas weren't going to save my life.

All of a sudden, I was thrown to the ground, hard. The monster dressed in black started down at me. I let out a small whimper in pain as I felt sharps sticks Pierce my body,creating small scratches, some bled.

Hearing footsteps come near me made my heart beat twice as fast in fear. Then I felt someone harshly grab my cheek, forcing me to look.Even though his hood covered his face, I could see his lips, which were cured into a thin line.There was something familiar about him.  I let out a huge gulp, seeing the weapon he carried on his hips.

Suddenly his head turned to one of the archers and said in his deep voice.

"Tell your mistress that I have the boy she has been looking for," The scary archer suddenly started to be surround in some sort of black smoke which caused his body to despair within seconds. I let out a small whimper in shock, causing all of them to turn their attention back to me.

The hooded man let out a loud sigh, snapping his fingers as he said, "Tie the boy to the rock." Suddenly I was grabbed roughly by the arms before being dragged lazily across the small rocks to a huge ledge which hung over the beautiful silver water.

I let out a huge gasp as I felt my hands being untied before being retied to two separate piece of rope, elven rope. I started to fight, to try and get my hands loose but it was too late. There I hung, under the ledge and right over the rushing water. No way to escape

"HELP ME, PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed out, struggling against the rope. Feeling it dig into my wrists.  My eyes streaming with tears as I knew it was hopeless, no one could hear my muffled screams nor get me off this rock which is guard by those ghost arches.

Suddenly I saw another cloaked person come from the trees, as he walked closer to me, the archers bowed their heads in respect. On its hips, I saw a huge black sword that looked bigger than me. My eyes widened as I watched the guy come towards me before jumping and landing on ledge, above me.

Sudden I saw clawed hands come to my face before untying the cloth around my mouth. But it was the voice that terrified me the most. "Remember me little boy, the monster that haunts your dreams"

I let out another whimper as I felt one of it's clawed fingers traced my jaw line. "Wwhat d-do you want?" I stuttered as I felt  the claw go slowly down me neck before suddenly grabbed my face and forcing me to look up.

"Scream" It growled. I looked into it's red eyes and let out the loudest scream I could ever produce. As I stared up out at the monster in pure horror.

Help me.

Belle's P.O.V

 My eyes snap open.

I Instantly sat up right, gasping for air. The feeling of sticky sweat that covered me from head to toe. Disgusted, I pulled back my decorated hair into a loose braid, making the flowers poke out from weird angles. I slowly raised, my back aching from lying on the hard stone bed.

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