Chapter 54: Chrollo in Greed Island?

Start from the beginning

Once I reached the outside world, I dialled Kurapika's number. He answered back surprisingly fast.

"Hey Kurapika" I greeted.

"Ah Y/N, how are you and the others doing?" He asked.

"Good, anyways, I need to ask you a question real quick" I said.

"I'm listening" he answered. I started by explaining the situation first then started asking him questions.

"Do you think Chrollo could've removed your Nen?" I asked.

"That's impossible, I would know at once if Nen I placed on a Spider has been removed" He said.

"So when you chose your power, you knew something like this would happen?" I asked.

"Of course, if you can place Nen on others, it only makes sense to assume one can remove it" He said.

"Well, now you know. What you want to do from here is up to you" I sighed.

"Thanks for taking the trouble. You have my gratitude" he said smiling.

"No problem. Take care of yourself and don't push yourself too hard, okay?" I replied sternly.

"Okay, you too" he laughed.

"Then I'll see you around" I said and hung up. I then ran back inside the game and met up with the rest.

"Seems like it's not the real Chrollo. Kurapika was pretty chill about it. Like he wasn't concerned or didn't care" I said.

"Well, looks like you worried for nothing. Now it's time to focus on ourselves" said Bisky happily.

"Osu! Start with the basics!" Shouted Gon excitedly.

"Not with training. But beating this game" said Bisky.

"Now we're talking" I smirked, ready for battle.

"It's said that the legendary King Great White Beetle lives only on this tree. The only way to capture it is to hit the tree hard enough to shake it off" said a man, as we stared up at the huge tree. Gon went into position and started.

"Saisho wa gu! Jan! Ken! GU!" He shouted and hit the tree. The tree shook and bugs started falling from the sky.

"It's raining bugs!" Said Bisky.

"Wow!" Said Killua in amazement. I screamed as loud as I can and ran away from the tree. The rest looked at me as if I'm crazy. I started panting as I came over to a rock and sighed in relief. I saw that little bastard Killua smirking then came towards me.

"Y/N~" he called.

"What?" I turned around. To my horror, he was holding a bunch of bugs in his arms and threw them all at me. I screamed and conjured my necklace, ripping the crimson red rose and burning the bugs in front of me. Killua was on the floor laughing. I went over to him and punched him in the stomach for scaring the shit out of me. This made him gasp and stand up. We then started fighting until Bisky broke us up.

The good news is, is that we managed to get that hideous White beetle or whatever. We then started to gather more and more cards, until we had 6 restricted slot cards. While we were walking back to our base? Someone contacted Gon through the spell.

"Yo it's been a while, Gon" said the voice.

"Who are you?" asked Gon.

"You don't remember me? Do you remember that player who took the Sword of Truth from you in Antokiba?" He asked.

"Ahh you're that bastard" I said, remembering him.

"What do you want?" asked Gon, annoyed.

"Up for a trade? I have #66, Witch's diet pill and #17, VIP Multi Pass. You can talk it over with your friends" He said.

"What do we do?" asked Gon, looking at us.

We decided to trade and we met up with him. Gon traded it and we said Goodbye.

"That was uneventful"

"Very disappointing to say the least" I shrugged, sighing.

"At least we have 7 types, in 3 days. We're making decent progress" said Gon.

"Yep. We have to keep going at this pace" I nodded.

"Is there any other events in the city to get restricted slot cards?" asked Killua.

"I think there are..." said Bisky. She then took us to an arcade.

"You have a 0.01 % chance of winning" said Bisky.

"Ahh...that's too risky" I said.

"Wait! We have that dice" said Killua. He rolled it and it turned into good luck. He tried the slot machine and he got a win in the first try.

"See, this dice is the key to winning in this city" said Killua.

"But if you roll bad luck, it can be scary" said Bisky.

"Don't worry, it can't kill me" shrugged Killua with confidence. All of a sudden we heard a huge bang and some person fell on the floor, a dice in his hand.

"There was something weird about this guy, he hit the jackpot 5 times in a row, and he kept using a weird dice" said a man. I looked over at Killua and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Good luck, bro" I laughed and walked away. He kept on going on until it got out of hand. Bisky had to knock him out so we can drag him out of the Gambling city.

"Next city, let goooo!!!" shouted Bisky like a little kid.


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Next chapter:
-Razor and the Fourteen Devils

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