RWBY Chibi episode-... Wait RWBY Chibi?

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((Picture above was made by Mayu-Kureiji on DeviantArt))

((Cuts to Team (Favorite/Color)'s room))

Birds can be heard chirping as the members of Team (Favorite/Color) wake up in their Beacon Dormitory. Mercury and Emerald let out a yawn as Cinder simply sits up. The three look to their left's to see (Y/N) still fast asleep. (Y/N) snored loudly, his right hand layed across his chest. His left arm and the rest of his body was covered by a blanket. The other's cover their ears before (Y/N) stops snoring. Cinder let's out a sigh, "Emerald, didn't I specifically tell you to get (Y/N) an alarm clock?" Cinder asks, annoyed. "I did, it must be broken. Merc go check it" Emerald says, turning to Mercury. "Hey, why me?" Mercury asks. Emerald sighs, "Just do it". Mercury sighs, "Fine" he simply says, getting out of his bed. Mercury walks over to the side of (Y/N)'s bed and picks up the alarm clock that sat on (Y/N)'s nightstand. Mercury let's out a sigh, "He didn't set it. Here, I'll just press the alarm button" Mercury says, pushing down the alarm button. A loud, annoying beeping comes out of the clocks small speakers. The three wait for (Y/N) to wake up, annoyed at the sound. Instead of that, (Y/N) let's out an evil laughter before sitting up straight, his blanket falling off him. He snatches the alarm clock away from Mercury and looks at it. "You look like a fool" (Y/N) says, his voice distorting as if he had his Infinite mask on. (Y/N) proceeds to throw the alarm clock, it hits the wall of the dorm, making a hole in the wall. (Y/N) immediately closes his eye's and drifts off to sleep yet again, laying backdown on his bed with a thump. Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald all have shocked expressions on their faces as (Y/N) start's to snore again.

((Transition: Mercury plays a game on his scroll. He let's out a growl, loosing in his game. Infinite appears in frame holding his own scroll. A big smirk could be seen on his face, due to him wearing the 2nd version of his mask :Cuts to kitchen of a dormitory))

Ren holds a pan with a pancake in it. He turns around from the stove and flips the pancake off the pan, causing it to land on a stack of pancakes that layed on a plate. Just then some stomping could be heard. Ren gains a confused look on his face as he turns to the entrance to the kitchen. Ruby comes stomping in, dragging her older brother (Y/N) behind her. "Um, Ruby... Why are you-" Ren was about to ask. "Don't ask" Ruby says stopping, and letting go of her brother's hand. "Ouch" (Y/N) simply says, massaging the hand his sister had a tight grip on. "Ruby, why are you and (Y/N) here?" Ren asks, putting down the pan he was cooking his pancakes with. "Well, I thought it would be a cool idea if you two had a cook-off!" Ruby exclaims, striking a pose. "A what?" (Y/N) and Ren say in unison. "A cook-off! Since you two are so amazing at cooking and baking stuff. I thought you two could make different stuff and some of us could be judges" Ruby explains. "I have nothing too do today, so. I'm fine with it" Ren reply's. "Whatever" (Y/N) simply answers. "YES! You two get the food ready, and at lunch me and the others judges will... um. Judge!" Ruby exclaims before using her semblance to rush out of the kitchen. Ren and (Y/N) stare at the door to the kitchen before looking at each other.

((Cuts to another dorm))

A long table can be seen with three chairs. In front of each chair, on the table, layed a small paper sign that read "Judge 1" "Judge 2" and "Judge 3". Yang sat down in the first chair as Zwei plopped down on the third. Leaving only the middle chair to be empty. Yang gains an annoyed look on her face as she looks up. Blake clinged to the top of Yang's head, staring at Zwei. "You've got to get over this" Yang states. "I'm not a chew toy" Blake reply's fast. Zwei let's out a bark before wagging his tail. (Y/N) and Ren walk into the room, each wearing a chef's apron. They also broght small trolleys with three different covered plates of food on each level. "Alright!" Ruby yells into a microphone. Everyone cover's their ears. Ruby gains a 'sorry' look on her face before continuing, "Welcome students of Beacon, to the amazing cook-off!" Ruby exclaims. Clapping came from the small crowd that consisted of, Sun, Neptune, Weiss, Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, and Mercury. "And now, time to introduce our judges for this afternoon!" Ruby announces, more clapping followed. "First, in the chair to all of your left's, my big sister Yang!" Ruby exclaims. Claps came from everyone again, except Mercury. Mercury looked to his far right to see (Y/N) giving him a look that most likely meant, "Clap or you're fired". Mercury immediately started to clap, with a fake smile on his face. "And our second judge, Blake!" Ruby exclaims, again, more clapping followed. Blake still had her eye's on Zwei, who wasn't even paying attention to her. "And last but not least, Zwei!" Ruby finishes. Silence filled the room as Zwei had a dumb look on his face. "Woof!" Zwei let out, earning "Awwwww"'s from the crowd. "And now, our amazing chef's will give the judges their first dish. Starting with Ren!" Ruby announces. Ren rolls his trolley over to the judges' table and places one dish in front of each judge. Yang and Blake take the white cloth off the plate as Zwei simply rips it off. The dish was revealed to be a nice salad with no kind of vegetables mixed in with it, just some sauces. Yang, Blake, and Zwei each take a bite of the salad. Yang holds up a sigh that read "6/10", Blake sign reads "5/10", and finally, Zwei's reads "8/10". Ren takes a bow as the small crowd of students claps. Next up, (Y/N) put's one each of his three plates of his first dish in front of each judge. Yang, Blake, and Zwei reveal the first dish. It was a nice salad, like Ren's with the different sauces, but with lots of different vegetables mixed in with. Each one of the judges take out a sign. "10/10" "8/10" "10/10". The small crowd claps yet agian as (Y/N) gains a smirk before looking at Ren. Ren proceeded to give the judges his second dish. The judges remove the cloth to reveal a small pile of three pancakes with syrup on them. Each judge takes a bite before revealing their scores. "9/10" "8/10" "10/10". Before the plates could be taken away, Nora slides across the table, gobbling all of the pancakes up in one sitting. Nora reaches the end of the table before letting out a big burp. "I tried to hold her back" Jaune says out of breath, Pyrrha rubbing his back. (Y/N) puts the plates containing his second dish in front of the three judges. The three take the white cloth off the top of the plate to reveal a delicious looking hamburger with fries on the side. The judges each took a bite out of the burger and the fries. "10/10" "8/10" "10/10". (Y/N) grins. This continued one more time, Ren' last dish, was a cake with white frosting on top of it. The cake earned him "10/10" "9/10" "10/10". (Y/N)'s finale dish was a stack of three pancakes with strawberry sauce, and whip cream on top. Some grunts could be heard as everyone looked to where the grunts were coming from to see Jaune and Pyrrha holding Nora back. "10/10" "10/10" "10/10" was (Y/N)'s finale score. "Yes! I win!" (Y/N) exclaims as the small crowd claps, along with Ren. "Wait a minute. These pancakes taste like....... there not actually here?" Yang says confused, taking another bite of the pancake. Everyone looks at (Y/N) with a suspicious look. (Y/N) lets out a nervous laugh as the pancakes start too glitch in and out of reality.

((Transition: Infinite floats up in front of the screen and gives the viewer a smirk, before shooting a red lazer beam at the screen, causing it to crack into pieces :Cuts to Beacon courtyard))

Mercury reads a comic titled 'Avengers End Game', while Emerald sits down beside him reading a book called 'The Thief And The Butcher'. Just then, (Y/N) walks pass the two with a duffle bag over his shoulder. He stops and puts it down on the grass. He un-zips it and takes a metal hilt with a plastic beam attached to the top out.

((If you want dis Lightsaber check out UltraSabers

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((If you want dis Lightsaber check out UltraSabers. I mean, if you have an extra 200 dollars to spare :P))

(Y/N) gets in a fighting stance with the sword like object. (Y/N) looks over to his right to see Mercury and Emerald looking at him with confused looks. "What?" (Y/N) simply asks, shrugging. "(Y/N), is that-" Emerald says, "A lightsaber?" Mercury finishes. "Yeah, so?" (Y/N) asks, getting out of his fighting stance. "Are you really going to pretend to fight with a lightsaber, cause if so I want in-" before Mercury could finish, Emerald covered his mouth. "We want to know why your playing with a toy" Emerald asks in a 'really' tone. "I mean, it cost 500 Lien, so I guess you could say it's a toy-" before (Y/N) could finish, Emerald interrupted. "Wait, 500 Lien?! Where did you even get that much?" Emerald asks, moving her hand away from Mercury's mouth. "I stole it" (Y/N) simply reply's. Emerald and Mercury just stare at him, a long silence following. "Okay fine, I stole 500 Lien from Roman" (Y/N) confesses. All of the sudden in the background "(Y/N)!!!!!" Roman's voice calls. "Ignore that" (Y/N) says as he regains his previous stance. "(Y/N), do you seriously train with that thing?" Emerald asks. "I honestly don't see what the problem is here" (Y/N) reply's. "The problem is that YOU SPENT 500 LIEN ON A TOY!!!" Emerald yells, standing up. "These thing's can literally block an actual blade, so I'd say money well spent" (Y/N) reply's. "Okay, fine! Let's test it out" Emerald says, taking out her two weapons, and extends their blades. (Y/N) gains a defensive stance as Emerald hit's the lightsabers 'plastic' blade with multiple slashes. Emerald stops, out of breath. Waiting for the 'plastic' blade to fall to the ground in pieces. To her surprise, it stayed intact with only a few scratches. "See" (Y/N) says, with a proud smirk. Emerald let's out a sigh, "I'm going to tell Cinder about this" she says, walking off angrily. (Y/N) looks down at Mercury who put his comic book away. "Do you have another-" before Mercury could finish, (Y/N) threw another lightsaber at him.

 "Do you have another-" before Mercury could finish, (Y/N) threw another lightsaber at him

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Mercury catches the saber and presses the button on it. Causing the plastic blade to glow a green color. "Sweet!" Mercury exclaims, sparkles in his eye's. (Y/N) smirks as he presses the button on his blade, the plastic blade igniting into a red color. Mercury jumps up and gets into a playful fighting stance, (Y/N) doing the same with a smile on his face.

The End

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