Chapter 16: After Math

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((Picture above by 1HardDan1 on DeviantArt))

((No-one's P.O.V| Patch))

The chirping of birds can be heard as Ruby opens her eyes up. Tai sits in a chair, also asleep. Ruby lets out a soft groan as Tai wakes up, "Ruby!" Tai exclaims. Tai gets up and runs to the side of the bed Ruby was on. Tai kneels down and leans on the side of the bed, "You're awake!" Tai exclaims thankfully. "What happened?" Ruby asks. Tai lets out a sigh, "Your uncle Qrow found you, unconscious. He got you outta there though; he got you home safe" Tai explains. "Wait! Yang! Is she alright?" Ruby asks. "Uh... She's uh... She's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things" Tai reassures. "She's too strong to let this stop her" Tai says on a more serious note, he rubs his head before a sniff can be heard, "I'm just glad to have my girls back at home" Tai says with a smile. "What happened to the school? And Vale! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?" Ruby asks, worried. "Things at Vale are under control. But the school? It's... it's not the simple. That thing, whatever it is... doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But... It's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad but it keeps attracting more of those masked Grimm to the school" Tai explains. "I did what?" Ruby asks, turning her head. "Hmm?" Tai hums in question. "You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?" Ruby asks. "I... Look, that's not important right now, we can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess" Tai says. "It's always a mess" Qrows voice calls. Tai and Ruby look at Qrow who was taking a drink out of his flask. "Mind if we have a minute?" Qrow asks Tai. "What, I can't stay here?" Tai asks. "Tai. Please" Qrow says. Tai gets up and gives Ruby a kiss on the forehead, "I'm glad you're alright" Tai says before walking towards the door of the room. "I'll go make us some tea" Tai says before walking past Qrow, giving him a look before exiting the room. Qrow drags a chair beside the bed Ruby was laying on and sits down on it. "So... how you feeling?" Qrow asks. "Um... I kind of hurt... all over" Ruby says. Qrow lets out a laugh, "That makes sense, after what you did" he says crossing his arms. "You guys keep saying that! That I did something. What are you talking about?" Ruby asks. "What's the last thing you remember?" Qrow asks, leaning forward. "I ran up the side of the tower. And when I got to the top, I saw Cinder about to shoot-" before Ruby can finish explaining, she lets out a gasp "Pyrrha! Is she...?" Ruby asks, worried. Qrow looks down, "She's gone" Qrow says solemnly. Tears start to fall from Ruby's eyes, "I-I... I shot Cinder in the shoulder. I went over to Pyrrha and helped her up. We started to get away before..." Ruby falls silent. "Before what?" Qrow asks intrigued. "We heard someone call for help. It was (Y/N). He was holding his shoulder, on the ground. Pyrrha was fine with me going to help him. I ran up to him, it looked like his shoulder was hurt. But then he didn't get up, or answer me. He started to laugh, and moved his hand to show nothing. He said 'Never, turn your back on an injured allie' and then-" Ruby grabs her blanket, tears falling onto it. "He disappeared. I turned around to see him, stabbing Pyrrha in the chest with one of his swords. I-I couldn't believe it, so I fell to my knees. Then Cinder-" Ruby lets out a sniff "Then everything went white" she finishes. Qrow looks back, hearing (Y/N)'s name. "Damnit" Qrow swears under his breath. Ruby wipes a tear from her eye, "I remember... my head hurting" she says. "The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?" Qrow asks. "I don't know... I think it was about-" before Ruby can finish, "Silver eyes" Qrow finishes for her.

((Small timeskip))

"Damnit!" Qrow yells, throwing a wooden chair to the side. A crash of glass can be heard. "Qrow, what's wrong?" Tai asks, looking down at the teacup he just dropped onto the ground, causing it to shatter. "I don't think you want to know what's wrong" Qrow reply's. Tai gives Qrow a confused look, before gaining a serious one. "Qrow. What did you tell my daughter?" Tai asks. "It's not what I tolled her. It's what she tolled me" Qrow says to Tai. Tai get's another confused look on his face. Qrow walks out to the living room and sits down on the sofa. Tai follows and leans against the wall of the living room. "What? What did she tell you then?" Tai asks. "Her friend, Pyrrha Nikos. No doubt you've heard of her" Qrow explains. "Yeah, it was a shame she lost her life but... to bad we don't know how" Tai says. "Well, Ruby certainly knows" Qrow reply's, taking a drink from his flask. "Wait. Then who was it? If she knows we can search for them and-" before Tai can finish, "It was (Y/N)" Qrow simply answers. Tai stops and gains a look of shock, "Wait, no that can't be possible! I was talking to him, he said he forgave us and-" Qrow interrupts Tai again, "He lied Tai" Qrow says, stating the harsh truth to the sad father. "My best guess is, him and is little teammates planned this from the beginning of the school year" Qrow explains getting up. "No, but-" Qrow interrupts Tai yet again, "We both know who he must be working for now. Revenge is the thing that's driving him now, Tai. I'm also betting he wants to take down all of Remnant as well" Qrow explains. Tai sits down on the floor and starts rubbing his head. "Why did I listen to Oz..." Tai says. Qrow gains a look of confusion on his face. "Listen to Oz? What do you mean?" Qrow asks, confused. Tai looks up at Qrow, then back down at the floor. "You obviously remember how I treated the kid, right?" Tai says. "Yeah?" Qrow asks, more in a intrigued tone. "Oz was the one who suggested it" Tai states. "What! Why?" Qrow exclaims, a hint of anger in his voice. "He... Oz was afraid of (Y/N)'s semblance" Tai starts to explain. "Why?" Qrow asks. "It alows him to take control of one's reality. He can bend it in anyway, create illusions for that person. Oz was scared that Salem,would be hunting for him, trying to get him to turn to her side. Oz wanted the kid to live in this house forever. Grimm are barley found on Patch, and it woud be the last place for Salem to look. Oz was also hoping for him to loose the ability to use his semblance, so he said 'Feed the child only once a week. Don't let him get out of the house'. But, I guess Yang also had plans of her own, since Raven left and all. But, after he ran away that night. Grimm started to appear around here. Oz also apologized. He said he was scared of the kid, afraid of the power he could offer Salem. So he made a really, really bad decision" Tai finishes explaining. Qrow looks to his side, "I guess she got to him" Qrow says.

((Timeskip, 8 months))

Mercury and Emerald look out the window of Salem's meeting room. The two watched in horror as Grimm emerged from black puddles scattered around the land of darkness. The snap of fingers can be heard as Mercury and Emerald turn around. Cinder stayed in her seat as Mercury and Emerald walked up to her side. Emerald shoving Mercury out of her way. Ever since the Fall Of Beacon, Cinder had been, crippled, in a way. Her hair covered her left eye, under her now short cut hair, a gray phantom of the opera mask layed. Her left arm that had got shot by Ruby was also covered up by her new dress. "Yes, yes, please keep your... posse... in check" Watts says, putting down his scroll before adjusting his necktie. Mercury growls stepping forward, only to have Emerald stop him. "You hear that?" Watts continues. "Silence. I've half the mind to thank the little girl that bested you" he says. "If I were you, I'd hunt her down, heh heh... find her, and... Well, heh... She took YOUR eye, didn't she?" Tyrian comments, pointing to his left eye. Tyrian lets out some laughter before looking at Cinder. Cinder opens her mouth about to speak, only for raspy moans to be heard. Cinder closes her eyes in defeat, only to turn to Emerald. Emerald leans down and cups her ear towards Cinder, soft raspy words coming out of Cinder's mouth. "Pathetic. Why did you even-" before Watts could finish, the unlocking of a door can be heard. Everyone turns their attention to the giant door at the back of the room. It bursts open, everyone standing up. Salem walks into the room, walking past Watts and Hazel, finally arriving at the front of the room and stopping, her back faced towards her group. "Watts..." Salem simply says. Watts gains a straight posture, "Do you find such malignance necessary?" Salem questions, turning around. Salem raises her hand, then proceeds to lower it. Cinder, Hazel, and Tyrian sit down in their chairs as Emerald, Mercury, and Watts stay standing up. "I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure" Watts says before sitting down, along with Salem who sat down on the big purple crystal chair at the end of the table. "Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower...and most importantly...killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious. To what "failures" are you referring?" Salem asks. The room fills with silence before Watts speaks up, "Well... the girl with the silver eyes" Watts says. "Yes... We've dealt with her kind before... How is it a novice was able to best one of us?" Hazel questions. "My thoughts exactly. Even without her new found power it should have been effortless" Watts comments. "It is BECAUSE of the Maiden's power. Make no mistake, Cinder. You hold the key to our victory. But your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness...which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment. Doctor Watts. You are to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant in Mistral" Salem commands. "Very good" Watts reply's. "Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden" Salem says turning her attention to Tyrian. Tyrian laughs while rubbing his hands together, "Gladly" he simply states. "And Hazel... I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The boy continues to prove loyal" Salem states while looking at Hazel. "Ensure Sienna Khan feels the same" Salem adds. "As you wish" Hazel says nodding. "Oh!" Emerald exclaims, kneeling down to Cinder. Emerald cups her right ear as Cinder leans in close to Emerald. Cinder finishes as Emerald stands up. "Speak, child" Salem demands in a calm voice. "She wants to know... What about the girl?" Emerald says. Just as she finishes, the door to the room swings open again. Everyone turns their attention to the door to see Infinite walk in, along with his new, "band of misfits" as Watts called the two. The crocodile faunus to Infinite's right was named Tick, a family member of one of Salem's old followers named Tock. The snake faunus to his left was named Kaa, she wore a smirk on her face while her left hand was on her hip. Infinite stops as the two stop behind him. "The girl..." Infinite says in a menacing voice. He clutches his fist as the tightening of his black leather glove can be heard. Infinite inhales, then let's out a long exhale. He gains a calm stature before looking over at Salem. "May I continue, Mother?" he asks. "Of course" Salem answers. "Tyrian?" Infinite says looking at Tyrian. "Yes, my prince?" Tyrian asks. "Spring can wait. Find the girl" Infinite commands. Tyrian lets out an exited laugh as he claps his hands. "And bring her back to me" Infinite finishes. Tyrian lets out a groan of sadness before looking down, then towards Infinite with a smile. "Because of all of your efforts, Beacon has fallen..." Infinite states. "And Haven, will be next" Salem finishes. Watts and Hazel get out of their chairs as Tyrian stays in his. Cinder was about to get up before Tyrian speaks up. "Eye for an eye..." Tyrian says pointing to his left eye, before bursting into maniacal laughter.

To Be Continued...

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