Chapter 14: Failure

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((Picture above by TrashPrinceDio on DeviantArt))

((No-one's P.O.V))

Ozpin, Pyrrha, and Jaune rush out of the elevator that lead to the vault under Beacon, where the previous Fall Maiden was being kept alive by a piece of Atlas technology. "What is this place?" Jaune asks. "It's... a type of vault" Pyrrha answers. "You've... been here before?" Jaune asks Pyrrha. Pyrrha doesn't answer back, "What would this school need to... hide" Jaune says before stopping. "What?" he says as Ozpin rushes up to one of the three screens and presses some buttons. The screen were connected to two pods. "Who?" Jaune says, looking at the girl that was in one of the two pods. "Jaune" Pyrrha says turning around. "Pyrrha! Get to the pod!" Ozpin says as Pyrrha looks at him. She turns and looks at Jaune, before running up to the right pod. "Mister Arc, if you would like to help, you can stand guard here" Ozpin offers. Jaune turns around and gets in a defensive position with his shield and sword. "What do we do now?" Pyrrha asks Ozpin as he types away again on one of the monitors. Ozpin sighs, "We... Do nothing" he reply's shaking his head. The pod in front of Pyrrha opens up, "You, Miss Nikos... Have a choice to make" Ozpin says. Pyrrha looks at the pod, then back at Jaune. She wipes a tear from her eye before getting into the pod. The door closes in front of her.

((Cuts to Beacon Courtyard))

((Play this. This track was made by Natsu Fuji))

Infinite stares at the students as some of them ready their weapons, while the others look at him with disbelief or, are left in shock. Before anyone could react, Coco walks up in front of the group of students. "I've heard of you. You're that masked guy who gose around and destroy's villages for no reason. Am I right?" Coco asks, lowering her glasses to get a good look at Infinite. "Ah, yes. Not one of my most known titles. But it works" Infinite reply's. "Well. You did destroy one of my friends villages, so that's what I prefer to call you" Coco remarks. "I like it. Although, I'm not one to remember everybody who lived in those villages" Infinite says, holding out his hand, a small red house appearing in it. He then crushes the small house with his hand. He opens it back up as red glass shards fall to the ground. Coco transforms her gatling gun back into it's handbag form. She starts running towards Infinite, Infinite not moving an inch. She gets up close to him and tries to hit him with the handbag. Infinite teleports behind her, the handbag making a small crater with contact on the ground. Coco swiftly turns around and tries for another hit. Infinite simply ducks under the swing, due to the weight of the handbag, Coco spins around and faces Infinite. Infinite grabs her face with his right hand. Coco tries to move his hand, it not budging. She lifts her legs up and tries to kick him, only for Infinite's grip on her face to get tighter. Coco lets out a scream, desperately trying to get out of Infinite's grasp. A small drop of blood runs down her forehead, her aura being broke after the fight with the mech's. "Coco!" Velvet calls, running towards Infinite. Infinite looks at Velvet, then back at Coco. He throws Coco to the incoming Velvet, knocking her down. "And now..." Infinite says lifting up his left arm. A red lazer shoots out of his left hand and flies towards the group of students. Everyone barely manages to get out of the way as the lazer hit's the CCT tower, causing an explosion.

((In the vault))

Ozpin types away on the screen before hearing an explosion. He looks behind him, feeling the vibrations coming from above. He turns his attention to Pyrrha, "Are you ready?" he asks. Pyrrha looks at him and nods. "I... need to hear you say it" Ozpin says. "Yes" Pyrrha's muffled voice says. "Thank you Miss Nikos" Ozpin thanks, going back to typing on the screen. The Fall Maidens pod lifts up, the Maiden getting surrounded by a orange aura. The orange aura gose thru some big wires, and in to Pyrrha's pod. Pyrrha gets surrounded by the orange aura, starting to scream in agony. "Pyrrha!" Jaune exclaims turning around. Jaune runs up behind Ozpin and looks back and forth at the two pods. "I'm... so sorry" Ozpin says shaking his head. The Fall Maiden gasps as an arrow pierces thru the glass of the pod, and stabs her in the chest. Jaune and Ozpin turn around to see Cinder holding up her bow.

((Cuts back to the courtyard))

Blake wasn't able to move. The lazer hit the CCT, causing some parts of it to fall off. Some of the falling rubble from the CCT hit Blake, earning a scream in pain. "Oh?" Infinite says, before teleporting over to Blake. Blake looks at the boy in fear. "It dose seem Yang cares for you a lot. I wonder how she would feel if I took something precious away from her, like she did to me all those years ago" Infinite says leaning down. "(Y/N)... please-" before Blake can finish, Infinite grabs her by the throat and lifts her up. Blake to weak to struggle, starts to slowly loose consciousness. "LET HER GO!" Yang calls, igniting into flames. Infinite turns his attention to his sister, not dropping Blake. Yang lets out a scream before using her gauntlets to launch her forward. Infinite drops Blake as a scimitar appears in his left hand. A slice can be heard as Infinite was in a cutting pose. Yang's right arm falls off, leaving a bloody stub left. Yang screams in pain as the scimitar in Infinite's hand dissolves into red dust. "That, was a long time coming" Infinite says picking up Yang's cut off arm and examining it. He takes the gauntlet off the dismembered arm and examins it. "Hmm..." Infinite hums. He throws the gauntlet to his side, Yang's gauntlets appear on his hands, each of them being red and black. Infinite walks up to the screaming Yang and sits on top of her, grabbing her orange scarf. He punches her in the face once. Then twice, then a third, then a fourth, then a fith. "Do you finally know how it feels?" Infinite asks. Yang doesn't answer back. Infinite's mask disappears and reveals (Y/N)'s face. "I said... DO YOU FINALLY KNOW HOW IT FEELS?!" Infinite asks, screaming in Yang's face. Before he could get an answer, he gets hit to the side. Blake breathes heavily, holding Yang in her arms, kneeling down. Infinite gets up and slowly walks towards Blake, who was protecting Yang. "You have no idea, what she did to me, Blake" (Y/N) says. "No. I don't. But that doesn't mean you should be doing this" Blake reply's. "... You're just like the rest" (Y/N) says as his Infinite mask appears back on his face. His scimitar appears in his right hand, he proceeds to cut Blake's head clean off. The shadow clone fades away. Infinite looks around and spots Blake weakly running away with Yang in her arms. He looks around to see the other students gone, must have ran away from the falling rubble.

((Cuts to the vault. And you can stop the music))

Pyrrha bangs on the door of the pod as the orange aura disappears from her. The door to the pod the Fall Maiden was in burst open as a ball of orange energy flies into Cinder. Flames start to come out of her eye's along with flames circling around her body. Cinder floats up into the air as Jaune gose to attack her. "Stay back!" Ozpin calls to Jaune. Cinder sends a blast of fire at Jaune, sending him flying back to Ozpin. "Jaune!" Pyrrha yells, banging harder on the glass of the pod door. Pyrrha pushes the door down, it gose flying towards Cinder. Cinder uses her new powers to push the door aside. Pyrrha uses her semblance to grab her weapons before running towards Cinder. Ozpin slams his arm on Pyrrha's shield, holding her back. "Take Jaune and get out of  here! Find Glynda! Ironwood! Qrow! Bring them here right away! The tower cannot fall!" Opzin exclaims, Pyrrha backing off. "But, I can help" Pyrrha says. "You'll only get in the way" Ozpin says. Pyrrha turns her attention to Jaune and runs up to him, helping him up. The two run off as Cinder watches them leave. The flames coming from her body disappear as she turns her attention to Ozpin. "This whole time, right beneath our feet" Cinder says as the two stare at each other. "She was right about you..." Cinder continues as Ozpin readies his cane. "Such arrogance"

To Be Continued...

Male!Infinite!Abused!Reader! :RWBY male reader insertTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon