"No! Don't leave me! I don't wanna stay here!", I said screaming.

Domenico grabbed my waist and pulled me away as I cried harder for her not to leave me. I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want to give up my fight. But I needed to stop, I knew he'd kill me soon. I just stopped and felt myself being taken into a room. I hit him again, mama ain't raise no bitch. I didn't want to be here. He grabbed me by the neck and was hitting my face over and over. I tried blocking his hits but he was entirely too strong.

"Ple-please stop!", I cried as blood dripped from my mouth.

"You keep fucking hitting me bitch. I'll show you fucking crazy bambino", he said growling at me.

I put my hands up to stop his hits but he grabbed me by my shirt and drug me all the way across this big ass room to the bed.  He through me like I was a pillow into the headboard of the bed.

"Ah! Im sorry! I won't do it anymore, I promise", I cried for him to stop.

All I could think about was what he told me earlier, rearranging my guts. I peeked my head up to see him taking off his rings that were covered in my blood. His jacket and his dress shir. I saw his body, I got scared.

"Come here.", he said lowly in a deep voice.

I looked at him through my only good eye. I couldn't see and it made me emotional. Tears wouldn't stop, I couldn't feel my lips and my eyes and nose was in so much pain. I slowly crawled to him, my body hurt so much. I got in front of him and he gripped the base of my throat with his big hands. I was scared to look him in the eyes. Honestly, I'm tired of crying like a bitch but he is entirely too powerful for me. So what can I do?

"You will obey me. Or every night you will receive a beating like this and each one gets worst. Until I kill you.", He said closely to my face.

He looked at me one last time, and pushed me down and fell back on the bed harshly. He stared at me once and walked into what I'm guessing was his bathroom. I sat up and looked around the room was the size of my apartment itself. The bed had to be a king size bed, but I didn't care, I wanted this pain to be relieved. I closed my eyes and began to cry again knowing I had no way out. I cried the whole time he was in the bathroom, when he came out, he looked irritated by my cries.

"Stop FUCKING crying", he said loudly and stern.

I jumped when he said fucking because I thought he'd hit me again.

"I'm sorry", I said clearing my tears.

"Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up", he said with his towel wrapped around his waist. He was inspecting his hands.

I hurried to get up and quickly began walking to the bathroom. As I was walking, he grabbed my arm. I flinched. I looked him in the eyes.

"I don't want you scared of me bambino, you just see what's it's like to piss me off", he said grabbing my face and kissing my forehead.

It was too late for him. I was already scared of his crazy ass. I walked into the bathroom and began taking off the tights and tee I had on. My slides came off when I was being dragged from the truck. I started the water and waited a little while before getting in. Once I did get in, the hot water relaxed my body but also sting at the same time. I stuck my face in the water and the pressure caused pain so I hissed. I cleaned my face with the hot water. And I felt the swolleness felt like it was relieving pressure on my eyes too. I finally began to clean my body as well. Once I was done, I got out of the shower and grabbed the towel that was there for me.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my face wasn't all bad besides my burn mark. My lip was busted and my right eye was swollen, I turned to the side and the circle burn mark was only blistered though. God knows what this man will do to me. I thought about how he knew my mom's name, I wouldn't be surprised he knows everything about the city, he practically runs it. But he said her name like he knew her personally. I was done looking in the mirror and walked into the bedroom with the towel wrapped around me. I saw him sitting on his bed cleaning his gun and jewelry. I cleared my throat and he looked up. It's like he could see my body shape through my towel.

"Take your towel off bambino", he said demandingly.

I was scared because no one had never seen my body besides that 12th grade fuckboy.

"What?", I asked.

"Take your towel off. I wanna see you and do a spin for me", he said looking at me in all seriousness.

I nodded my head and dropped my towel. At first, I hugged my body but I didn't care. He would be the only one to see it. I knew he wasn't going to let me leave. I put my arms down and turned around. Once my back was to him, he told me to stop.

"Stop.", he said.

I stopped and I heard him get up out the bed. He walked towards me and stopped. He looked down and the grabbed my ass.

I gasped taking in a sharp breath. He grabbed it and squeezed it. It felt good but I knew he was bad. I didn't like it. He took his hand and slapped it twice.

"Ah", I said squealing.

"Damn, this is real yes?", he asked. 

I wanted to laugh but I didn't. "Yes", I replied.

"I need to check you. I want you to go over to the bed and lean over with your legs far apart", he said in my ear.

I nodded and moved towards the bed doing exactly what he asked. The bed was kinda high and my pussy was on display for him. I didn't want to but I had to. He walked over to me and smacked my ass once more.

"Fuck", his accent leaked out as he played with it.

"I need to make sure you are how I like it bambino", he said.

I nodded knowing what he is talking about. He started rubbing my ass and made his way to rubbing on my pussy. I took in a sharp breath and tucked my lips. His long fingers ran along my pussy and made me wet.

"You're leaking already baby", he said looking at my body.

He stuck his fingers in with no warning cause me to jump. I accidentally hit his hand. For that, he went deeper. His fingers were kinda struggling being thats it's been a long time since I've had sex.

"A-aah. Domenico. Take them out please they're too deep", I cried I didnt like this shit not even a little.

He moved me to where I was laying on the bed with my body laid out as he fingered me. He was stretching me out with two fingers. I closed my eyes tight and began shaking.

I shook so much until I felt like I had to pee.

"I-I have to pee, please stop", I said trying to stop him.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I squealed and liquid squirted everywhere.

I laid in the bed and shook as he watched me fall apart. I didn't want him watching me like this. Enjoying what he did to me. I couldn't. He hurt me. I looked back at him and he chuckled before walking into the bathroom smoothly.

I hated him. I was embarrassed I didn't know how to feel. He walked back in the bedroom with a wet rag and washed me off. He threw the rag into the dirty clothes hamper. He walked to his dresser and grabbed a shirt, throwing it at me.

"Put it on and go to sleep", he said.

I did what he asked and pulled the covers back. I laid up under the covers forcing my eye close. Later, I felt a dip in the bed and the covers pulled back. He gripped my thighs and laid up under me. I fell asleep, thinking of my niece and nephew. I wanted to go home.

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