No Running In The Halls!

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3rd person POV

Tracy made about another two hallways before she was caught, by none other than Ultra Magnus. Tracy would just like to say that he is a really fun guy... NOT. He does not even know what the word fun means or even how to say the word "fun". 

Swear to god I am going to die of sheer boredom at this point. 

Anyway, he caught Tracy and more or less forced her to go to his office, so that he could sit at his big shiny desk and tell her all the ways that she could have killed someone during her very minor lapse in judgment.

"You do realize that you have violated at least three rules correct?" Ultra Magnus stated while staring down at Tracy with a very stern look.

"No, actually I didn't, but I'm going to blame that on you for, not giving me a rundown of the rules," Tracy said getting really frustrated, she hated being blamed for anything. She especially hated how she felt right now like a child being scolded by a teacher. It was also pretty clear how he felt about the situation and, to say the least, it wasn't helping her at all.

"Blaming others for your own misconceptions will get you nowhere." Ultra Magnus stated before getting up from the desk and moving towards a large filing cabinet. reaching and grabbing something small before depositing it on the desk in front of Tracy. Tracy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Please flip to page 412 and read section 18." Ultra Magnus stated before picking up a large i-pad style device and scrolling through it to something specific.

Tracy flipped to the required page again feeling like she was in detention. She read the section and as she read it her eyebrows steadily went up before looking up at Ultra Magnus. 

"You're joking right," Tracy stated expecting Ultra Magnus to break and explain it was all just a joke, but his face was dead serious. "I'm in trouble for running in the halls. What is this kindergarten?"

"I do not like your tone, child. Given that you not only chased Samuel through the halls, but you also chased him through every accessible place in this hangar. You then proceeded to disrupt the Chief Medical Officer and then admitted that you lied about having nothing to do with it. After this, you proceeded to run down the halls, avoiding all attempts to speak to you about the situation." Magnus stated. Tracy leaned her head over onto her shoulder and making a snoring sound before snatching her head up

"Sorry, the stupidity of all this is making me want to go to sleep," Tracy said as deadly serious as she could but internally she was laughing.

"The only stupidity here is your own." Ultra Magnus said calmly 

"One Sam deserved it and two, why are you even bothering to tell me this? You obviously don't like me, and frankly, the feeling is mutual."  Tracy stated sarcastically. She knew that she had to get out of this situation before she did something that she would regret.

"I would advise that you fix your tone before I have to call Optimus in here."

"Why don't you then ?" Tracy snapped as she began to climb down the twenty-foot-tall desk. Ultra Magnus didn't take kindly to be snipped at much less Tracy's current attitude given that she was in fact part of the problem.

Ultra Magutas Comlink

"Optimus Prime, Sir, could you please come to my office I seem to have a problem with our young guest."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"She denies her involvement in the earlier incident and then questions my authority and the rules in place for her safety and the safety of others. I do not think that it was a wise decision to bring her here. She has been here for less than two hours and has already caused more chaos than the Terror Twins on a bad day."

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