Purple, Black, Green, Red, & Blue

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Lennox POV

I hope that I did not make a mistake by letting Brian and his daughter, what was her name.... Tina, no that can't be right.... Tracy, that's the one, pick up one of my cars. Ironhide and I had locked all our unwanted guests in the containment chambers in the garage so, unless they somehow picked one of the ones on the trailers then they should be fine.

Thankfully the call from base was only a warning about more Decepticon activity in the area, but they already had a team on it, so Ironhide and I could have a little more down time before we were needed back on base.

*ring, ring*

"What is it Ironhide?" I asked after picking up my phone

"We may have problem...."

"Define problem."

"One of your guests just decided that a vehicon makes an excellent first car."

"You're joking right, I thought that we had moved our new "friends" to the back of the building and that you hid the trailers!"

"I did-"

"Go after them, while I call for backup, I get the feeling that this could get ugly."

"I'm already in pursuit, but thanks for the permission, Ironhide out."

3rd person POV

Tracy was about fifteen minutes from her house when she realized that something was not right. She had checked the rearview mirror every couple of minutes and had noticed that two more cars like the one she was driving had been following her for the last three to four miles. She had done what she could to lose them, but they still had not changed directions, so she had made a beeline for the woods that weren't very far from her house, a few miles at most. She reset the GPS to get a better idea of how far it would be from home, but as soon as dirt road that ran beside the woods, was punched in the car swerved hard to the left, by itself. The wheel was snatched from her hands and the car sped up from the 60mph she was currently running to 110mph. 

"Okay, jokes, over let me out." Tracy yelled pulling at the locked door to try and get it open with little success. Her seat belt unlatched and when car turned hard to the right she was slammed across the car into the passenger sheet hitting her head on the window as well muddling her thoughts more than they already were. 

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." the car said through the radio. Going even faster. 

"What the hell are you." Tracy yelled being slammed into the side of the car again as it drifted off the main road on to a dirt road on the right. She hit her head hard on the dash blurring her vision making her have to fight to keep herself focused. 

The few minutes of silence were practically torture. The silence was killing her and internally she was freaking out. Granted this had never happened to her before,  but she was smart enough to know that whatever happened wasn't going to be pretty. 

The sun had just started to sink when it turned onto the dirt road that led deeper into the woods. That's when everything changed, literally. She didn't see the other headlights on her left until it was to late. The other vehicle, a black GMC truck,  slammed into the car and it lost control and the car spun out of control into the side of a tree. 

The car that Tracy was in transformed and threw her out of it. She went rolling a good ten feet before groaning and rolling to her feet just in time to see the two cars that were behind her also transformed, and before she knew it there three purple and black robots that were between twenty to thirty feet tall with red visors that almost screamed evil. She looked up in horror, before hearing to sound of metal shifting. She turned and watched as the black truck that had hit her turned into a massive black robot with silver accents and giant silver cannons with blue eyes.

She was caught between the three purple and black ones and the new black one. She looked between them trying to figure out what the hell was going on. The three purple ones' arms turned into cannons and one aimed at her as the other two took aim at the truck now robot

"Get behind me now," The black one yelled at Tracy who did the only thing that she could think of, and that was to run right between the legs of one of the purple and black ones. This caused the other two to dive at the one that she ran under to try and grab her, which ended up with all three of them in one massive pile. 

Tracy looked back just to see a green corvette slide into the small clearing and transform into another giant robot, slamming into one of the purple and black ones that had recovered. 

She did not stop running, in fact, she might have set the time for the world's fastest mile. By the time she had stopped running, she realized that she was in a section of the trail that she didn't recognize and was in fact lost.

It was getting dark and she only had her phone which was almost dead.

As Tracy started trying to locate where she was she she could hear the sounds of metal on metal along with the distant sounds of yelling and fighting. She heard a few distinct phrases carry through the woods "Autobot scum" or "Autobot pet," but she was pretty sure the latter was referring to her. The problem is that she had no idea where she was with no way of calling for help along with the fact that she was pretty sure she had a mild concussion. 

She was so wrapped up her thoughts and trying to figure out what was what that she didn't hear one of the purple ones sneaking up on her until it was too late. 

Before she could really process anything it had snatched her up with enough force to make her head spin more than it already was. 

"Well, well, what have we here? It looks like the Autobots' pet decided that it was tired," it said

"I am no one's pet you poor excuse of a sea urchin," Tracy yelled up at it, banging her hands down on its fist. 

"You are a feisty one, I'm going to enjoy this." It said as it slowly started to squeeze tighter on Tracy. She tried to push at it's fingers, banging on its arm, anything to get it to loosen its grip. It hurt. It hurt so much but nothing she could do was going to break its grip. She could feel her ribcage and other bones starting to cave under the pressure. Black spots were forming in her vision it took everything for her not to scream at the pain. 

So this is how die squeeze into pulp by a giant robot. Who would have thought? 

"Hey, Con why don't you put the kid down and pick on someone your own size." yelled a rough voice. Before the "con" could retort, he was shot backward, which sent Tracy tumbling toward the ground. She braced for impact but it never came. Right before she hit the ground, she was caught by another giant robot. The black one that had hit her.  

"Punk ass Decepticon." it said while looking at the smoldering wreckage of the "con" as it called the other one. "Crosshairs get your ass over here, so we can go."

As he finished saying that, the other robot appeared that was green and black also with blue eyes and wearing what looked like a trench coat.

"Well, that was fun, Ironhide," the one who was apparently Crosshairs said before pausing and doing a double take "What's with the Fleshy in your hand?"

"Let's just go, because this is not going to go over well."

Right after Ironhide finished speaking he transformed into the black GMC Topkick, and Tracy was strapped into the front right passenger seat. She tried to unlock the seat belt but it just squeezed tighter until she stopped. 

"Do not try anything or you will regret it. Are we clear?" Ironhide spoke from the radio

Tracy's mouth was too dry to speak so she just nodded and hoped that he/it could see her. 

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