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One Week Later

Tracy sat quietly in Jazz's alt mode fiddling with a loose stand of hair that kept falling out of its braid. Really she was just buying time. She didn't want to get out and face the reality. Her family was gone and here she was fixing to bury them. Ironic given that they always joked that they would probably be burying her first.

They had just pulled into the cemetery parking lot. Ironhide was parked a few cars down. Lennox had ridden with him. Bumblebee was far off either with the Witwickys and Mikaela. There were a few other bots stationed around. Prowl believed that at least one Decepticon would be present, which is what lead to pretty much the whole team being present. Despite Tracy's complete distaste for the idea it wasn't up for discussion.

Tracy looked out the window as people started to find seats and the few who were speaking began to arrange their notes.

None of them know the truth. They think it was a robbery gone wrong, a freak situation. Not a targeted attack against them. No against me. They were just caught in the crossfire.

Tracy grimaced as that night came flooding back to her. A lone tear streaked down her cheek. Tracy wiped it away quickly. Shaking her head trying to get rid of that train of thought she couldn't think about that today. Thankfully Jazz chose not to comment. Tracy brushed off her black dress pants and shirt one more time before exiting the vehicle.

It was hot almost uncomfortably so. Tracy silently cursed the weather, why couldn't it be dark and gloomy? It would have fit her mood better. NEST had paid for the funeral and in part Tracy was grateful. They did a good job handling everything and all Tracy had to do was the guest list. She knew everyone that was here and she walked quickly trying to avoid friends and family that would offer their condolences and pity. Tracy didn't want any of it.

Tracy knew she was expected to be at the front of those gathered but she didn't care. The last thing she wanted was everyone to judge her lack of emotional range. People expected her to cry and sob through the services, but that wasn't her. She would hold the little pieces of her together until she was back in her room on base then she would fall apart.

Tracy's Aunt Selena moved towards the podium. She was a heavy-set woman with dark brown hair and green eyes. Selena was the younger sister to Tracy's father Brian. Tracy and Selena never got along, but she was the only one that had been willing to speak.

"My brother was a..." Selena began and Tracy quickly tuned her out. Her priority on staying out of sight and out of mind. Selena talked about the so-called good times with her brother and how they were typical siblings always fighting about something, about how happy Tracy's little family was. Selena moved on to talking about Tracy and Alex and how they reminded her so much of her and Brian.

Tracy grimaced at some of the mentions. It hurt to know that this was it. Her mother's gravestone was situated four feet from her father's and her brother's. A small part of her wonder how long until she'd be joining them

Selena continued on into a story of how Alex used to hide in all sorts of random places turning hide in seek into a full-time job.

"Seriously the kid could get into anything. He once hid inside the dryer when he and Tracy were playing. She couldn't find him. She spent hours looking for him..." Selena said.

The memory played through Tracy's head. Alex was 6 and Tracy was 11. Their parents had gone out to a movie and Tracy had begged them to let her and Alex stay home alone. Somehow they agree. Alex had wanted to play hide and seek and Tracy blew him off a few times before finally agreeing. Alex went to hide and Tracy pretended to count, but really went back to reading. Long story short when she did eventually remember she couldn't find Alex anywhere. She called her parents saying she had lost Alex and it lead to a huge freak out with a bunch of family being involved. Her mom eventually found Alex, hidden in the dryer and was playing on the old Gameboy they had shared.

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