The Car

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Bandit is the Cat in the picture above.

School is a living hellhole. Tracy hated school and hated it for the simple reason that she didn't fit in.

School was her personal hell. If it wasn't the other students it was the teachers. Some were okay but most of them didn't enjoy being embarrassed and Tracy has a problem with embarrassing teachers.

"Ms. Norman, would you mind telling us all what is so interesting about that wall." Mr. Jefferson A.K.A my Trigonometry teacher questioned

"Nothing, but it is more interesting than this crap class," she stated still staring at the wall. Her frosty eyes lazily traced the framing of the classroom around to where she met Mr. Jefferson's infuriated gaze.

" Would you like a detention, Ms. Norman?" Mr. Jefferson threatened, lips forming a smirk thinking he had caught Tracy in a bind.

"No, and you're only wasting time talking to me when you should be teaching your class, seeing as this period ends in less than thirty seconds," I stated well adding a few finishing touches to my drawing.

"I will give you a detention if you keep up this disrespectful attitude, Ms. Norman"

"You can't give someone who has passed all your classes detention, Mr. Jefferson. And Class is about to end! Bye!" Tracy jumped up from her desk grabbed her bag and booked out of there knowing full well that Monday she would be in the principal's office...again... for the eighth time this month. She didn't feel like it was entirely her fault every time.

Tracy rushed down the tan and white school hallways hoping to get to the lockers before the preppy kids got there, but then again the world has a way of fucking shit up. Tracy was too busy trying to fix her braid that had come loose, that she slammed right into the last person she wanted to see...Sam Witwicky, the only friend Tracy had. Well, former friend. Last summer he seemed to completely forget about Tracy, so that he could get the girl that he had had a crush on since third grade, Mikaela Banes.

"Tracy... um... hi. Long time no see, right?" Sam stuttered and avoided eye contact.

Maybe he does feel bad.

Please the only thing that he feels bad about is that he lost the person that checked all his homework

Tracy just picked herself up and walked off, telling herself that she didn't need to surround herself with assholes, like him. Seeing as luck was not on her side, she had to walk right through the group of preppy students which consisted mainly of cheerleaders and jocks that hounded Tracy with insults and crude jokes all day, every day.

After finally reaching her locker, number 113. Tracy quickly grabbed her History 101 textbook, her sketchbook, and her English IV textbook hoping that she would be able to get out of the halls before the "popular people" realized it was her. But seeing as luck is never on her side, as soon as she closed her locker Trent was leaning on the locker behind her locker door

"What are you hiding from, Rosa?" Said Trent A.K.A. the biggest asshole in school

"Nothing, because I got nothing to hide from," Tracy replied turning and shrugging her backpack onto her shoulder.

"You hear that guys she's got nothing to hide," Trent called out to the small crowd of jocks behind him. Tracy scowled by elected to ignore them. "But she does because she's a freak"

Tracy stopped in her tracks and before she could even stop herself she was firing a retort

"The only freak here is the one that takes too many steroids and then can't even manage to throw the ball far enough downfield to get it to the receivers." Tracy replied voice dripping with venom "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I've got more important things to do than risk your stupidity rubbing off on me. So have a nice day. Oh and If ever even think about calling me "Rosa" again I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat."

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