S2C Chapter 48: DJ Sango

Start from the beginning

Veronica: Are they even open right yet?

(Y/N) was already getting ready to go.

(Y/N): Someplace has to be. It won't take long; I swear.

Veronica pouted.

(Y/N): Don't be like that. We'll cook it once I get back.

Veronica: HMMmmmMMMmmm fine. But be quick.

(Y/N): I'll try.

He smirked, grabbed his wallet and keys, then left, leaving Veronica there, cross-armed with her apron, sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for him to return.


(Y/N) had already gone to two grocery stores, only to find they were closed, so he kept walking until he would find one that wasn't.

He was walking down the sidewalk until he heard some noises coming from this building across the street. It appeared to be a little club, and the noise sounded like beats.

He figured "why not?" and crossed the street, after looking both ways. After seeing multiple posters for what he could only guess were performers he hadn't heard of, he saw that people were allowed to just walk in. And he had to admit... the music did sound good.

He walked into the place, seeing that it was very dark inside, with the only lights being the ones on the stage and a couple small, dim ones around the place.

He tried gently pushing through the crowd to try to get a closer, better look at the performer who's playing the music. Once he got close enough to the front, he could make out an Inkling girl with orange ink. He thought she looked familiar, and he realized why once he saw one specific piece of gear... her headphones.

(Y/N): (Those are Liz's hero headphones.)

He continued watching the performance until the point where the performer looked directly at (Y/N), smirked, then finished her song.

Performer: Okay, I think that's enough. I'll see y'all later. Peace!

Announcer: And that was DJ Sango! Everybody give a round of applause!

The crowd cheered and clapped as DJ Sango got off the stage and started walking off, to which (Y/N) started going off to intercept her.

(Y/N): Hey. Liz? Is that you?

The DJ turned around, with a smile on her face, to see (Y/N), revealing a familiar face.

Liz: Hey there, (Y/N).

(Y/N): So, it is you. Mind explaining what's going on here?

Liz: I thought it'd be a little hard for your small little mind to be able to figure it out.

She said jokingly with a smirk.

(Y/N): Hey!

Liz chuckled.

Liz: I'm a DJ.

(Y/N): Clearly.

Liz: So, what're you doing in a place like this so late?

(Y/N): ...

She looked confused.

Liz: What?

(Y/N): Liz. It's morning.

Liz: What?!

(Y/N): Yeah. I came out to get some ingredIENTS- I forgot about Veronica!!!

Liz: Huh?

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