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Ah lunch. My favorite part of the day.

I had just sat down with my food when my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it since it was the diner. "Hello."

"Hey Bella. You need more hours right?"

"Yes yes yes."

"Can you come in right now by any chance?" My boss asked.

"Yeah. I will be there in about 20 minutes."

"Great bye."


"Who was that?" Jake asked as he sat down. "The diner I work at. I have to go right now." I said and stood up.

"Wait what are you going to take? Kat needs the car and I need the truck." Bray said and out food in his mouth. "Oh crap. I didn't think of that." I mentally face palmed myself.

"I'll take you. Wade wont care. I'll just call him and tell him." Jake suggested. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah sunshine. I'll call him on our way out. Let's gon" he said. We got up and said bye to Kat and Bray.

On our way out he called wade. He was chill with it. "Thanks again jay." I said. "You haven't called me that in like two days." He chuckled. "I guess I just forgot." I giggled.

"Nice bike." I said as I got on. "You're not scared?" He asked. "I've never been on one but I'm not scared. Just because I have a pussy doesnt mean I am one." I giggled.

"Ok then. Here is the extra helmet." He handed it to me. "Ooo. Purple." I said as I put it on. "You like purple?"

"Yeah. It's my favorite color." I said. "Mine too." He said. "Really?" "Yeah. It was my moms favorite so now its mine." He also put on a purple helmet.

I could tell his mom was a touchy subject so I didn't press on the subject.

"Pops right?" "Yeah." I answered as he started to go. I gotta tell you. Motorcycle rides are awesome. The wind feels amazing. It feels like a roller coaster.

"We're here." He stated. I got up and put my helmet down. He did the same. "I'm going to eat while I'm here." He said. I nodded and just walked to the back to get my stuff.

I then started waiting tables. I saw a group of guys then Jake. "Jake hold on one minute. Let me get the guys in the booth next to you, then I'll get you." I said. "Ok. Hurry sunshine. I'm starving." I giggled.

"Hey I'm Bella and I'll be yalls server today. What can I get yall?" I asked. Nicely. "How about the 3 piece chicken basket with a side of you. Oh and a Cherey coke." The one with black hair said. I laughed.

The other guys ordered and I brought the ticket back to the kitchen. I then went to Jake. "I'm Bella and I'll be your server today. What can I get you?" I asked him. "How about 2 of the chicken buckets, 7 large fries and a sweet tea." He said.

"No Jake seriously." I giggled. "I'm being serious. I'll bring all the food to your house and we can all eat it." He smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah. I just texted Kat and told her not to cook later." He grinned. "Awe thanks Jay." I wrote down the order and took it to the back.

I then brought those guys their food. "Is that guy beside us your boyfriend?" The black haird one asked. "No. Just my best friend." I said. "Oh. Well would you like to go out with me sometime?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

Dont get me wrong the dude is cute but he looks 15. "How old are you?" I asked. "15. He answered. Nope. I'm way too old for you sorry kid." I said nicely. "Awe. It was worth a shot." He frowned and I walked away.

After that Jake's food was done I gave it to him. He gave me the money then a $100 tip. "Jake why did you give me this much of a tip?" I asked. "You deserve it. I could tell that kid that kept flirting with you was annoying. And I know you need the money or you wouldn't be needing extra hours so yeah..." he said.

"Thanks so much Jake." I smiled and hugged him. "No problem sunshine."

"Oh here. Take my key then put it on my desk in my room. You can chill at the house till we all get there." I gave him the key. "Thanks sunshine. See you later." He grabbed the food and walked out. "Bye." I said and got back to work.

After about 5 more hours of work, I was finally done. I was outside waiting for Brayden when Jake drove up. "Hey sunshine. I told Brayden I would get you since he is probably tired." He said as he handed me a helmet. "Thanks Jake." "Stop thanking me. It's what friends do." He said as he started his bike.

I just want to say this. Jake is like the sweetest person ever. He may be a 'Bad boy' and he may be cocky. But I feel like I've known him my whole life.

He reminds me so much of...him... but I know it's not him because he disappeared.

We pulled up in my driveway shortly later. We both got up and walked to the door. "BELLLLL" Ryan screamed.

Him and Aiden tackled me in a hug. "Hey Jake. Guess what." Ryan said happily. Jake picked Ryan up. "What is it buddy?" "I lost a tooth last night after dinner. See." Ryan smiled and showed Jake is holed where his tooth should be.

"Wow. Did the tooth fairy come?" Jake asked "Yeah. He gave me 2 dollars." Ryan smiled. "Well here's another 2 dollars." Jake pulled out his wallet and gave Ryan the money. "Thanks Jake." Ryan jumped down and ran to his room.

I put Aiden down and we walked in the kitchen. "You didn't have to do that Jake." I smiled. "Its ok. I'll give the rest of the kids money when they lose teeth too. I have plenty money." He smirked.

Soon we all ate dinner and watched the Braves game. "Jakey can I sit in your lap?" Bailey asked. "Sure Bay." Jake picked her up.

"Look Bell. Its Freddie!!!" Aiden jumped up and down. "Yeah. Everybody be quiet he is about to bat and he bats good when we are quiet." I said and scooted to the edge of the couch.

"Calm down Bell. It's not that bad." Andy said. "He has two strikes. One more and he is out." I said panicing. "Everybody shut up he is batting again." Bray said.

Next thing I know me, Jake, Aiden, Andy, and Bray are junking up and down screaming "HOME RUNNNN." "Jakey stop jumping." Bailey said. He was still holding her. "Sorry Bay." He said.

We all sat down. Pretty soon all the little kids were asleep. And we all carried them to bed. Andy and Eli went to bed and pretty soon it was just me, Bray, Kat, and Jake.

We finished the game then Jake went home. I can say that I really love nights like this.

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