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I went through the lunch line and grabbed a salad, a pizza, and a cookie. And went to a table. Brayden and Kat soon joined me. They were sitting across from me talking.

I was texting Eli and telling him the plans for after school when my phone was taken from me. "Who are you talking to?" Jake asked as he sat down. "My brother." I spat.

He then got on my snap chat and started looking through my memories. "You have like no pictures of yourself. They are all of kids." He says. "Yeah. I don't like selfies. I love my babies." I said. "Your babies?" His eyes go wide. "Yeah. My baby cousins and brother." Kathryn and Brayden laugh.

He kept my phone for a few more minutes then gave it back. "Finally." I mutter. I began eating my food when he stole half of my cookie. "DUDE I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE BUT YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND STEALING PEOPLES COOKIES!" I yell.

He just smirked and put it in his mouth. I punched him in the arm.

A couple minutes later, lunch was over. Finally. Jake was getting on my nerves.

"BELLA WAIT UP" He yelled as he ran towards me. "What now?" I ask. "What class do you have?"

"P.e." I state. "Great me too. I'll walk with you." He said. "Oh fun. Just fun." I said sarcastically. "Oh yeah. I know the teacher so he will be easier on me and my friends. So be nice to me." He smirked. "Fine." I spat.

I went in the girls locker room and changed into a black sports bra and black Nike shorts and grey Nike shoes.

When I walked out everybody was staring at me. The guys were looking me up and down and the girls were glaring. I don't know why though. The other girls have the same thing on as me.

Then Jake saw me. He smirked. Until this guy smacked my butt. I turned around to see Brad. "Why the fuck do you think it's ok to touch somebody like that without permission?" I asked angrily.

"How could you not expect us to touch you. You are showing off your stuff." He smirked. Then Jake walked over to us.

"Put this on." He said and handed me his shirt. It was a white muscle shirt on him. It was a little loose on me. I didn't argue though because he looked pissed. "You don't touch anybody like that without their permission. Especially her." He spat while holding on to Brad's collar.

"O-o-ok." He stuttered. "Good." Jake said as he dropped him.

The teacher came in and made everybody except for me and Jake run. We just went up to his office and chilled. He was cool. Mid twentys maybe. "Wait so how do you 2 know eachother?" I ask. "He used to work for my dad." Jake answers. "Oh ok." I said.

While they were talking I couldn't help but stare at Jake. He had nice abs. Tanned skin. I quickly look away from his hot body and look at my phone.

Pretty soon p.e was over. I went and changed back into my clothes. When I got out of the locker room I saw Jake standing there. "Here is your shirt." I said and gave it to him.

"Nah. Keep it. Looks better on you anyways." He winked. "Thanks dude." I said. I started walking away and he followed me. "Why you following me?" I asked. "Just making sure you make it to your car." He shruggs.

"Thanks." I say as I unlock it. "You drive an SUV?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yup." I say as I throw my bag in the back seat. "Nice car seat." He says. "Thanks. And in case your wondering. I have to drive my little cousin to day care. Oh and I just remembered I have to pick him up. Gotta go. Bye dude." I say as I hop in.

He just waves as I drive off. I go into the daycare and get Aiden then drive home. "Bell. Who is watching me tonight?" He asks. "Andy and Eli. I'm going shopping while Bray and Kat is at work. They will take care of you. I promise." I said. "Ok." He smiled.

I dropped him off at home. "Ok. Andy you are in charge of making them shower. And Eli you are in charge of snacks and entertaining them. Remember no movies or shows over pg and no sugar after 5. I should be home at around 5:30. I love you both." I kissed both their heads.

Then I kissed all the little kids heads and left.

When I got to the store I remember that Kat needed tampons. So I had to get those. Then I got me some. And I had to get condoms.

Eli is in 8th grade. And he just hit puberty. So we are fearing the worst. We are about to give him the talk and give him a condom. The rest of the box is going to bray.

I got the food and everything else we needed and let me tell you this. Paying for condoms is awkward. And to top it off the guy was perverted. "Well if guys had pull put game as strong as me they wouldn't need condoms." He chuckled. "Dude just stop." I said.

I walked back to my car. "Need some help there sunshine?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and it was Jake. "Sure." I said and we started loading groceries in the back. "Thanks. But why are you here?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah. I had to get a new knife. Mine was rusty." He said. "Oh ok. Basic Bama boy." I teased. "Not funny. They make us look more manly." He said. "Oh ok. Well thanks again." I said. "No problem. Can I have your number?" He asked.

"I dont know. Can you?" I shot back. Just then he stole my phone. He gave it back about 5 minutes later. "Really. 1st you put your picture that looks like a fuck boy, then the name is Mr. Sexy Beast, and then you text your phone saying hey sexy?" I giggled.

"Well yeah." He smirked. "Cocky." I said. "Whatever I gotta go. See ya." He said. We parted ways and i headed home.

Kat and Bray wasn't home yet since they get home at 7 and it's only 5:30. I made Eli and Andy get the groceries while I showered.

Once I got out I put on my black Nike shorts and a black cropped hoodie with a rose on it. I then put my hair up in a messy bun and began dinner.

"What's for dinner?" Ryan asked. "Mac n cheese and chicken nuggets." I said as I put the chicken nuggets in the oven. "Oh ok." He ran off.

I made the mac n cheese and chicken and started getting plates down when Kat and Bray got home. "Just in time yall. Dinner is ready." I said. They fixed the little kids plates as I called them in the kitchen. We all then fixed our plates.

We all sat at the table and I admired my family. "Ok now I'll say grace." Bray began as we bowed our heads.

Religion is kind of big in our family. We are not every Sunday church goers but we go sometimes.

As I sit at the table I realise how lucky I really am. Yes we all may not have our parents. And yes our Nonah died. But we all have eachother. And we are all there no matter what for eachother. And at the end of the day that's what matters most.

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