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After dinner I went and took a shower then went to bed. Work absolutely kills me.

When I got out of the shower I put on grey shorts and a red t-shirt. When I finished getting dressed I saw that Bailey was already asleep and snuggled in bed. So I went to check on Landon.

I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard him say. I look around and see the other two empty beds. Aiden and Ryan still won't sleep without Bella.

So Ryan, Aiden, and Landon share a room and Bailey and Eden share a room. And Elijah and Andrew share a room and each of us elderly teens have our own. Well not really since we got kids sleeping with us.

"How are you buddy?" I asked and sat at the foot of his bed. "Good. Just tired." He answered. "Ok. Just if you get scared come in my room." I said and kissed uis head. "Ok. Night Bray." "Night Lan."

I went back in my room and went to my bed. I snuggled under the blankets. I had just closed my eyes when I felt something on my chest. I look up to see Bailey's head. She does this every night.

"Bray I have a question." She asked. "What is it princess?" I asked. "How come everybody leaves?" She asked. That question broke my heart. "What do you mean?" I sat up quickly and placed her on my lap.

"First mommy and daddy left. And then Nonah left. Are you leaving too bubba?" She asked with tears starting to come out. "No no no princess. I'm staying right here. And so is Bell and Kat. We are always going to be here to protect and love you." I wiped her tears. "Do you promise bubba?" She held out her pinky.

"I promise." I pinky promised her. "Now let's go to sleep." We got up under the covers and she cuddled into my side. Soon the sleep took over.


I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm. I quickly got dressed. I put on black basketball shorts and a maroon long sleeve East Point High School shirt. I pulled the sleeves up so they are barely passed my elbows.

I put on my socks and black Adidas shoes and brushed and sprayed my hair. If you really think about it, my family kind of acts like gypsy's. I mean we always care about our appearance. Everywhere we go we try to look presentable.

I then went to wake up the kids. I started with Bailey. "Wake up Bailey. Go det dressed. Bell has your outfit on your bed then go get your hair done by bell." I said. "Can you carry me bubba?" She asked. "Fine." I said and picked her up. I carried her to her room and put her down in front of her bed. "Now change." I said as I walked out.

Then was Eden. She was easier. Then Landon. He was kind of difficult. Aiden and Ryan were pretty easy to wake up too. Now is the hard part. The new teenagers Andy and Eli.

"Andy. Andy wake up." I said. "No." "Eli wake up." "No." Since they both refused I dumped water on them. "BRAYDEN WHAT THE HELL?!?" They both screamed in unison.

"Hey watch yalls mouths. And I told yall to get up. Now get dressed and do yalls hair. And if yalls hair ain't done right then I'll do it." And with that I walked out.

I went in the kitchen and helped Kat fix plates. Today was eggs and bacon. After breakfast we headed to school.


I arrived at school and got my things out of my locker. Just as I turned around I saw Jake. "Hey sunshine." He said. "Why do you call me that? Nobody has called me that since...Nevermind." I said. It can't be.

"Ok we I was wondering if you would like to hang out after school today. Not a date. Just as friends?" He asked nicely.

Today he was wearing blue Jeans, boots, and a black t-shirt. "I can't. I have to watch my family." I said. "I can help. If you want me to?" He asked.

"Ok fine. But remember. Just as friends." I said. "You got it dude." He said with a thumbs up. "No just stop. You will never be as cute as Michelle Tanner." I giggled. "Maybe not. But I am Mr. Sexy." He stated just as the bell rang.

Great. Now time for class.

History was uneventful. Boring. And annoying. Do you want to know why it was annoying though? Well it's because I'm stuck with Brayden and Jake that's why.

Brayden kept singing terribly and Jake kept poking me. One more class skipped by and now it's time for Emglish.

"Hey Kat." I said. "Hey Bell." Kat looked super cute today. She was wearing my black Jeans, my white ruffle off shoulder shirt, and my white Van's. "Nice outfit Kat." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey I wanted to change my look up a little." She giggled. I couldn't help but giggle too. I was wearing a blue Jean skirt and a cute white v-neck t-shirt tucked into it with my birkenstock sandals.

After that the rest of the day flew by and pretty soon, it was p.e. I quickly changed in the locker room. Black shorts and Jake's shirt with Nike shoes. Then I went up to the coach's office and saw that Jake was already sitting there.

"Hey sunshine." He said. "Hey jay." I said. "Love my nickname." He smirked. "Its just easier to say than jake." I giggled.

"So when you come over, just go straight to my house after school today. I have to go get Aiden from daycare. But Andrew, Elijah, and the other kids will be there. Just tell them that you're hanging out with me." I said. "Ok." He replied calmly.

"But I need your address." He said. "Ok." I texted it to him. Then coach Adam's came in. Well he let's me and Jake call him Wade since that's his first name. "Let me guess. They are running?" I asked. "Yeah. They were getting on my nerves. Especially those barbie bitches flirting." Wade shivered.

I laughed. "Yeah. They are sluts." I said

We all three just talked crap about the people in our p.e. for the rest of class. It may sound bad since Wade is a teacher but oh well. "Wait Bella. You do know you dont have to dress out. Right?" Wade asked. "Oh. I didn't know. I hate dressing out." I said.

"Yeah. Everybody does." Jake chuckled. "I'm just going to go ahead and change again before barbie and her bitches come in there." I said as I stood up.

I went and changed quickly but as I was about to walk out of the locker room Britney the barbie stopped me. "Listen it's only the 2nd day and you're already whoring around with Jake. Stay away from him." She spat.

"I don't like Jake like that. We are just friends. Now shut the hell up before I make it to where you won't have legs to spread." I spat and walked out.

She screamed. Of course. Like the drama queen she is. And I just kept walking.

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