Chapter Nine

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We arrived at the flat and I nearly cried when I saw how different it was compared to how I'd imagined. It was small and dark opposed to our big and bright house. The thought that my father spent his nights alone here saddened me greatly. After I'd finished unpacking I felt a need to escape. I went to the garden at the back and sat on a bench. There were kids my age opposite me. I wanted to go over and say hello but I was too shy. There were two boys and a girl. At first I thought they might have been deviant kids who did drugs and got drunk but as I saw them sitting there talking I felt guilty for judging them. They looked like friends just having a laugh like I used to with my mine. My friends, my little group. We hadn't had fun like that since our ice skating trip. We all had become slightly distant. At first I blamed the exams but now I thought about everything that had happened yesterday and today. It will never be the same again. I rubbed my forehead holding back tears, I had to stop crying. What was crying going to achieve?

'Hello, are you new here?' The girl was suddenly sitting beside me. I nodded.

'Good. We live here too.' She said pointing at the boys opposite us. 'My name's Rose.'

'Mary.' I replied shakily.

'Hello Mary. Come sit with us.' She said getting up. I followed her to the boys. 'Isaac, Sam, this is Mary. Mary, this is Isaac and this is Sam.'

'Hello Mary.' Said Sam with a half-smile on his face. 'Take a seat.'

I sat with them for the next hour or so and we became good friends. In the time I sat with them, I got to know them quite well. Rose and Isaac were a couple. Isaac was a big fan of cricket and Sam was an animal lover. All three of them were very good looking. Rose was beautiful, she reminded me a bit of Lilly. Isaac had a cute baby face but Sam... there was something about Sam. The instance he did his half smile I knew he wasn't an angel, but something attracted me. His dark ruffled hair, his grey shining eyes. He definitely knew he was attractive.

I went home to a dull atmosphere. Mother was moving things around the place whilst Wayne was engrossed in his Gameboy. I went to the room that Wayne and I had to share and sat down on my new bed. I wasn't as sad and lonely as I thought I would be. It actually turned out to be a pretty good day. I wasn't used to compliments from guys, never mind good looking guys. Sam said my eyes were nice. I was really flattered and I've been feeling light ever since. Not even the dull atmosphere could destroy this feeling, I had nice eyes! Well, Sam said so anyway. Maybe a change was exactly what I needed, an escape from my life. An image of Michael came into my mind and I immediately got rid of it. I couldn't think of him, I didn't want to think of him. It hurt too much.

I picked up my phone and saw a  text from Lilly. I didn't want to speak to her either, it reminded me of Michael. I didn't want to speak to any of them. I decided then that I wouldn't let this life and the life I led with them mix. I was happy that I had new friends but I didn't feel satisfied. I went through all the good things that could come out of my current situation. I could be Sam's girlfriend, but that felt wrong. He probably didn't even like me, he was just being polite. Compliment the new girl, make her feel welcome. Maybe if I stayed away from home long enough, when I went back everyone will throw me a party and tell me how much they missed me. Maybe Michael would confess he had feelings for me. A sharp pain shot through my heart, I couldn't think about him. All my good thoughts seemed tainted. I've become such a pessimist, I thought to myself.

The next day, as I awoke I picked up my phone. I had messages from Lilly, James, Michael and Susan. Susan had texted me, that was thoughtful. But she was in my other life so I ignored it. They were probably wishing me luck and asking me how this place is. Instead I opened a message I received from Rose. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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