"How to be a Heartbreaker"

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Hey guys! If you have any suggestions for my story, please let me know.

Gilbert's POV:

Well, it has been 2 days since my encounter with Anne and nothing has happened since then. Or at least I thought. While doing the outside chores, Bash called me.

" Blythe, I need you to do something for me" He said

" Ok, what?" I replied

" I was wondering if you can give something to Matthew Cuthbert for me?" he asked

Wait, don't you know what this means? I get another chance to win Anne back and hopefully I won't mess up this time.

" Ok sure, I'd love to." I answered

" Does your answer have something to do with a certain redhead next door?" he asked

" Nope, just wanna help." I quickly answered

" Ok if you say so." Bash said

Anne's POV:

Today has been a great day! Diana slept over last night. We talked about so many topics, but Diana kept bringing up that traitor, Blythe, into our conversations. Luckily for me, she stopped after a while. She left an hour ago. Since then, I have been jamming out to music in my room. This day can't get any better!

Gilbert's POV:

After I finished my chores, I changed my clothes due to the fact that they were dirty. I didn't want Anne to see me in dirty clothes. Anyway, as I was about to leave, I heard loud music coming from the Cuthbert's house. When I looked at the window, I saw Anne jumping up and down on her bed while singing her heart out. Oh man, that girl is something special. Ok, back to the story. After that, I walked out of my house and I knocked on her door.

Anne's POV:

Wow, I just love music! Sadly though my jamming session was disturbed by a knocking at the door. I opened the door and the traitor himself was standing on my porch. I may have slammed the door to his face.

Gilbert's POV:

I was literally standing there innocently and then she slammed the door to my face.

" Wow Shirley, really feeling the love here," I said sarcastically

" What are you doing here, Blythe?" She said

" Relax, I am just here to give something to Matthew, and then I will be out of your way," I sadly answered

" You better." She said like she was going to bite my head off, but that was normal.

After that colorful conversation, we went to the kitchen.

" It looks we have to wait for a little bit for Matthew to be done with the errands." She said

" Ok, I will wait...umm...what song were you singing?" I asked

" I see we have a stalker in our mist." She answered

" Well, it is not my fault that my ears were working.." I said sarcastically

" Wow, you are so hilarious. Well If you want to know, I was singing " How to be a Heartbreaker" by Marina and the Diamonds." She answered

" Wow, that is the perfect song for you," I said but regretted it after

Anne's POV:

" What do you mean by that?" I asked

" Oh nothing..." he answered

What did he mean by that? Gilbert is just so weird sometimes.

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