Chapter 19

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Camila's point of view

The sound of banging downstairs woke me up. "Oh my god!! Who the hell is at my door at 6AM!!!" I yelled making Y/N jump up.

I got up and put my robe on and Y/N just put some shorts on. We walked downstairs to the door.

I opened it and there was the man I hated to most. "So now your going around telling people that I raped you Camila!?" I widened my eyes and looked at Y/N.

She put her hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything. You just told me last night"

"You did Matthew! And don't deny it. You used to pin me to the bed and just have a free for all. You took advantage of me and I guess I was too naive to notice" I said and he punched the door frame scaring me. Y/N pulled me back and got in front of me.

"What do you want Matthew?" She asked him.

"I want her to stop being a bitch and stop lying. You know I didn't rape you! We made sweet love and you like it- he was cut off when Y/N punched him square in the face.

"Don't call my fiancé a bitch, snaggle tooth!"

"Pack your bags Y/N, she's gonna leave you. Shes only using you for what she wants and then she will drop you. Divorce. She doesn't love you—shit she doesn't even know what love is" Mathew said. I could cry right now. Why would he say all those things? What if he makes Y/N think differently of me.

I ran upstairs crying my eyes out. She's gonna leave me because of him.

Y/Ns point of view

I slammed the door shut and took a deep breath. I knew Camila wasn't like that but I couldn't help but thing about his words. Was Camila only using me for what she wanted? No she wouldn't do that.

I sat on the sofa and thought about everything.

Camila's point of view


"Please Matthew don't do this" I said to him. We were in the room of our old house.

"Shut up. I can do whatever I want. Your my wife" he said and I was shaking. "Now get on the bed"

"Matthe-GET ON THE BED" He yelled making me jump.


He clenched his jaw and grabbed me by my arms. He tightened his grip and threw me on the bed. I tried to get off but he pinned me down with one on his hands while the other was undoing his belt.

"Please Matthew Don't do this I'm sorry" now I was thinking about what started this in the first place. Because I cooked something he didn't ask for. I had forgot he told me what he wanted for dinner.

"Shut up" He said and I felt a sting on my face. He hit me. I felt tears leave my eyes and my body get weak. "You didn't give me what I wanted so now I'm taking what I want!"

Once he was already out of his pants he moved towards my skirt. She pulled it down slowly, I kicked and screamed and he hit me again.

I felt dizzy and weaker that before. He let go of me and got off the bed and went to the dresser to get something. I couldn't move my body. Everything hurt.

He came back with something I was too familiar with in his hand. A gag. He used it on me every time I didn't shut up when he did what he wanted to me.

He pinned me back down as soon as he was finished putting the gag on me. All I could do was cry silently.

And that was it. That was all I could do to prevent it from happening but it still happened anyway. I lost. And I kept losing.

(Flashback over)

I was still thinking about how Matthew did everything to me. He hurt me and put me through hell and then had the nerve to say it was all me.

I heard the door open but I was still thinking about what he did to me.

I felt hands touch me and I felt like I was being put into that situation again. I kicked and screamed at the person in front of me as they held my wrist. It's like I couldn't see. Everything went black.

"Get off of me!!" I cried out and my body went weak on me again. I felt hands on me but nothing was happening. And that when I realized my eyes were closed shut the whole time.

"Shh it's just me calm down" I heard that sweet voice and that when I threw my body at her without even opening my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said wrapped my arms around her waist and laying my head on her chest.

I didn't want her to leave m. I would be nothing without her. Destroyed. She held build me back up after Matthew broke me.

"I'm sorry baby I love you so much. Please don't leave me please don't!" I cried out and I went her hug me tighter making me relax a little.

"I'm not gonna leave you Camila. I told you that a million times. I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me until we die" she said making me laugh. "I love you way to much to ever leave you. And I need you to stop thinking like that because you know I'm not going anywhere"

" I know baby sorry. Thank you so much for loving me and caring for me. Helping me rebuild myself after being broken. I appreciate everything and I'm so happy I get to marry you one day"

"Yup, once we are married your really gonna be stuck with me forever" she said making me laugh.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you so much more babygirl" she said kissing my forehead.

If Ariana Grandes dog can model for guess than my 20 pound cat can model for guess. He's a little fat cute old man.

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