The room was dim, and filled with people, mainly in pairs, lounged across sofas and on the floor like cats. It felt relaxed, but there was the buzz of chatter and excitement in the air, also a weird smell. He recognised the scent of cigarette smoke but there was something else he didn't recognise mixed in with that.

A few people recognised Peter and beckoned him over, making space on the sofa next to them.

"So what exactly is this place?" Eli muttered as they walked over.

"Well," Peter said as he sat down. "It's Jens and Roland's house, everyone's just here for tonight. All these people are like us, and like us, they want to change things. Usually meetings are a bit more serious than this," he laughed. "But everyone enjoys the chance to just have fun for the night. We're all scared shitless. We could get caught any day."

Eli raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like fun."

"You'll be fine. I mean when we're actually doing serious stuff."

Eli sighed and sat down close to Peter, looking around at the other people in the room. It felt strange, not having to hide that they were together, and it was strange to see other people just like them. He knew he was probably staring, but these people were fascinating. He didn't understand how they could be so open.

He was hardly paying attention to Peter, so when he felt a cold hand snake around his waist and pull him onto someone's lap, he yelped in surprise.

"Schatzi, calm down," Peter laughed, kissing his neck softly. "Otto, this is Lotte and Evelin," he said quietly, his lips barely leaving his neck as he pointed at the two girls sitting next to them. "They're probably the sweetest people here. Say hi."

Eli smiled at them softly, noticing the way one of them had her hand on the other's upper thigh, her fingers brushing the other girl's bare skin. He felt Peter touching his neck, curling his fingers into his hair. He could smell the alcohol on his breath as he turned Eli's head to kiss him, Peter's thumb under his chin.

Thoughts of greeting the girls left his mind as Peter kissed him slowly and passionately, one hand cupping his cheek as the other pressed into the small of his back, holding him close.

Eli pulled away, laughing quietly when Peter bit his lip before he could fully pull away. "How long have we been here? How're you already drunk?"

"Just tipsy, darling. We've been here about an hour. You've been very quiet," he added, leaning further against him. "You alright?"

Eli frowned. He didn't think they'd been there anywhere near that long.
"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then come back here then," Peter grinned, straight back to making out again.

Eli rolled his eyes but happily went along with it, spinning around on Peter's lap so he was facing him, lost in the feeling of Peter's lips on his, with nothing to hold them back. He was vaguely aware of cheering and laughing mixed in with the hum of chatter, but he didn't care. There were times when they weren't kissing, but it was still going on in his head, the bitter taste of alcohol on his tongue before all he could taste was Peter again.

There were cigarettes that weren't cigarettes. That was the smell from earlier. He and Peter passed it between each other for a while and he quite liked it, even when Peter blew smoke into his face.

All the sounds seemed kind of muffled. All that mattered was Peter.

Peter's lips. Forceful and desperate but so soft, loving.

Peter's hands. His large, rough hands running through his slicked back hair, messing it up but neither of them cared.

Peter's body, pressed right up against his, grinding against him. He'd blushed bright red at first, but now he didn't mind. He'd seen Jens and Roland doing the exact same thing across the room. He realised somehow through the haze in his brain that him and Peter were probably the massive sluts now.

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