03 | THREE

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Hyejung's fingers impatiently tapped against the table surface while bouncing her right leg up and down on the floor. She was nervous. Her gaze is sticked to the machine that is about the height of a human, just a few centimetres taller. It was made from strong metals and opaque, so she can't see how it is working on her invention and it makes her more nervous at the thought of the robot she made is not successful.

She sank deeper in her black swivel chair as her arm rested on the table. Her brown orbs fall into the black timer sitting next to her computer on the desk.

00 : 42 : 27 . . .

00 : 42 : 26 . . .

00 : 42 : 25 . . .

"Gosh why did it take so long for it to finish?" she yelled out in desperation, making Sora jumped in her seat due to the shock as the room is completely silent a moment ago when Hyejung suddenly breaks it.

"Girl, what the fuck?! You shocked me!" Sora exclaimed with her usual high pitched voice. She was busy organising the piles of document papers earlier, it was kind of relieving that she didn't throw the papers she had in hand due to the shock Hyejung gave to her. Or else, she had to do it again from the start, not like the other girl will help her anyway.

"Sorry, it was just too nerve wrecking for me to wait for the robot to finish programming," Hyejung apologized after staring at Sora for a good minute, looking almost innocent as if she did nothing. "And it is still loading at fifty- three percent." She added as she glanced at her computer screen, letting a short sigh escape her lips.

"I have one question that i've been dying to ask you," Sora blurted out, pointing the ball point pen she had in hand towards Hyejung's direction. In response, Hyejung just craned her neck to face the other girl, one eyebrow cocked as a gesture to let her continue her sentences and ask her the question she's been dying to ask her. Well, that's what she said. Hyejung just shrugged mentally at Sora's word that she thought is a bit illogical.

"Why would you feel nervous about this? You're always good at this kind of tasks. From joining metal pieces until programming your creations, you're already good in everything. There's nothing you should be afraid of," Sora asked, but more like an explanation to Hyejung as the words went through her ears. "There was a time that i think you're the robot instead of you making one."

Sora mumbled under her breath softly to herself, but loud enough for Hyejung to catch on. Which as a response, she snorted due to the last sentence she muttered.

"Me? A robot? Meh, you gotta be kidding me," Hyejung said as she snorted again. She pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile and also laughter from Sora who is now focused in the papers on her table. Not being able to contain her laughters anymore, Hyejung immediately bursted into a loud hearty laugh that echoed through the whole room. She clenched her stomach as she laughed and felt tears started to form in her eyes.

"YAH! SHUT UP!" A shout is heard from the other room. Hyejung immediately silenced herself and widen her eyes to Sora. After a few seconds of exchanging eye contacts, both of them chuckled softly.

"Hey, why'd you laugh so hard? See, the humans next door is angry," Sora said in between her giggles.

"I don't know that my laughter is audible from next door. I think that it is not loud, that's why," replied Hyejung and continued to laugh silently with Sora who covered her reddening face due to the lack of breathing from controlling her laughters with her paper, the shaking of her small frame is enough to make Hyejung laugh again. A shriek escaped from her mouth, and she quickly slapped her mouth with her eyes widened once again.

"Yah," Sora whispered. She put her index finger infront of her plump and red lips; a gesture to make Hyejung shush herself before the person next room yelled at them again like a few minutes ago.

Their laughters then finally died down and silence again took over the atmosphere in the room that the wall is painted light blue with a small addition of orange and some posters sticked on it. Only the sound of Hyejung tapping on her black keyboard while both eyes focused on the monitor screen and also the sound of Sora arranging her piles of papers, stapling them into a thick booklet, putting them into a large box that was cut into half then placing them at the space she had behind her table.

The timer continued to tick while Hyejung and Sora was immersed into their own respective works given.

00 : 00 : 03 . . .

00 : 00 : 02 . . .

00 : 00 : 01 . . .

00 : 00 : 00 . . .


"Oh, it's done!" Sora exclaimed as soon as she heard the beep of the machine. Hyejung immediately turn her head towards the direction of where the machine is placed in the room; making her long ponytail ends hit her face.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my-" Sora grabbed her shoulders tightly, cutting off her words instantly as Hyejung froze in her standing position.

"Min Hyejung! You don't have to panic like this! You're already good in this kind of thing, there's nothing to worry about,"

Hyejung released herself out from Sora's hold and made her steps slowly to the machine with the new humanoid in it. She pressed the round red button next to its shiny metal door and step back when the door started to open slowly.

As soon as it is opened fully, Hyejung took a step towards it again. She is really nervous about this project. Many negative thoughts about her failure lingered around her mind.

She stretched her arms towards the robot and pressed one button on its body with her shaky hands to put it to life. Small buzzing sound is released from the metallic body and the eyes are opening slowly, locking gazes with Hyejung.

He stood up properly and walked out from the machine and bowed to Hyerin. "Hello, my name is JG197!"

Hyejung's jaw hanged opened at his beautiful and angelic voice. Are robots supposed to have a voice like him?

"O-oh. Okay. Noted, JG197." responded Hyejung with stutters due to the shock.

"Hyejung-ah." Sora called from her seat. The other girl then turned her body to face her and let her continue her words.

"Don't you want to give him a name? Instead of calling him JG197?"

Apjeong Project | JJKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon