Chapter 17 "Did you want this?"

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Kyle's POV

I made it to Daniel's house. I stood in front of the door. I looked through the keyhole. Nobody. Seriously? It's completely empty. I can't believe this.

Mitch's POV

Would this asshole just come inside the fucking house already?! He was just looking. I had just got tired of it I crawled to the door. I just looked through the keyhole. He wasn't looking, great. I shot a bullet. It didn't hit him. The bullet was to thick. "Really?" Kyle just taunted.

Ashley's POV

I just had to stay here upstairs. Practically hostage. I wasn't alone. Daniel was in here me. "I can't believe I'm being held captive in my own damn house!" Daniel complained. "Fuck this I'm done." Daniel went downstairs. I followed after him. "Don't hurt anyone!" I whispered. "Sorry I'm not going to deal with this." He whispered back. He took his AK-47 - BB of course(just silliness and YouTube). He waited for Kyle to move from the door.

Kyle's POV

I saw through the darkness. I read Daniel's mind. I moved. He shot Mitch for 5 seconds. I was satisfied. I didn't hurt anyone. I didn't fuck up. I didn't feel bad. I felt awesome. I just left and ignored the stuff that happened. I was 100%. Well I went straight to my computer and opened up Hard Time. I just played the game not recording. I wanted to cheat and say I was really working on things. Sorry, I can't waste time! I did that. And I just stopped. I stopped and looked out my window. I lights. Car lights. They headed straight at me. I moved my computer and jumped out of the way. I already knew. I went downstairs. Took my REAL handgun. I pointed at Mitch and shot him in the.....lets say his dong in a thong. He screamed in pain. Atleast my gun has a suppressor screwed in(this is not real in real life suppressors only silence 1/3 of gunshots). "Dude, I done told you stop." I told Mitch.

Well I liked this, did you?

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