The group sat down the sofa, releasing a tiring smile, and were still giddy from the day's events.

Dan, Rupert and Matt were facing Hermione and Draco just as Bonnie was sitting beside Hermione and Evanna sat down beside Bonnie.

Matt, Hermione, and Dan chatted about something about the fantastic sights in England and some new Architectures and Structures. Just as Rupert, Evanna and Bonnie was also discussing some things.

Draco let out a content sight, not bothering to talk to anyone. He was too caught up staring at the brunette next to him.

Hermione didn't noticed his gaze due to the fact that she was talking animatedly with their new friends.

Suddenly Draco Malfoy though about her again. Who would've thought that the Slytherin Prince had plucked the courage to tell her how he had felt.

It took years for him for that.

First Year

"Hey Granger!" the platinum blonde boy cried in the Slytherin table as he saw his Gryffindor big bushy haired friend passing by next to their table.

She was chatting with Luna Lovegood on the Ravenclaw table, and as the brunette looked up where the voice came from, she grinned and waved her hands at her friend.

It was the day they went back from their Christmas Holiday, and obviously they missed each other. The two were exchanging owls nonstop the night before, clearly couldn't wait to see each other again.

The two haven't got the chance to meet at the Hogwarts Express because Draco's parents sent him off themselves through Hogsmeade.

So upon seeing her friend again, Hermione bid goodbye to Luna and walked towards the Slytherin. Draco immediately gave her a big hug.

The two eleven year olds laughed and pulled apart as they smiled, "How are you Malfoy?" she asked.

The Slytherin have her a grin and replied, "I'm brilliant, you?"

"I'm great! I've missed my parents so much, my Dad took us ice skating." She beamed.

Draco just grinned at her. "I've missed you, you know." he pouted making the brunette laugh.

"I've missed you too!" she said, pinching his cheeks and turned to greet her other Slytherin friends.

Second Year

"I can't believe it! I'm the new Slytherin's seeker!!" Draco jumped, beaming in-front of Hermione who giggled at his actions as she clapped her hands.

"That's great! Congratulations Draco, now there's a reason why I'd watch Quidditch."

Draco stopped jumping and grinned at her. "Potter too made it as Gryffindor's seeker." He said. "Harry and I will have a match against each other this weekend. You'll be watching two of your friends, mind you." He pointed out.

Hermione grinned, "The more reason why I'll watch, right?" she said.

Draco Malfoy chuckled and dropped his arms around her shoulder as they walked around the courtyard.

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