Chapter 7

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It seems like we've been driving for what feels like hours. I have to pee so badly! We finally come to a stop. The window that's separating us starts to roll down slowly. I can't stand to even look at the woman that gave birth to me. My own mother wanted to hurt me in ways I've never even imagined.

She steps out of the car not even looking back at me. She has no remorse at all; her soul is just filled with darkness. The man in the driver's seat looks back at me and he doesn't have a pleasant look on his face.

"So, look, we about to go in here and you about to see your little bitch. Don't try to make any sudden movements or do any dumb shit! I make the calls and moves round here, ya heard me?"

Sitting here shaking, I'm hearing what he's saying but I'm speechless. Words can't seem to come out. Next thing I know his hand connects to my face. Slapping me so hard my entire face turns.


"YES! YES! I heard you." My eyes filling up with water as my heart sinks to my stomach. My father was the only person who was ever truly abusive to me. I can't stomach the thought of what's about to happen not only to AJ but also to me.

Stepping out the car, he walks around to open my door. I'm a little shocked that I haven't been searched. That's probably about to happen right now. I don't think my birth giver thinks I have it in me to even use a gun, so she isn't worried about me being violent. Opening the door he pulls me out.

"Don't be so aggressive with my daughter, Jacob!"

So mystery man does have a name and what the fuck does she care? She stays treating me like shit.

"Sorry, Miss, won't happen again."

This is such a shit show! Looking around it's a dead zone. There isn't anyone or anything around us. Jacob is getting my bag out the back seat.

"So you really got $10,000 in here? Guess that little dumb dyke ain't that dumb after all. Let's go walk in front of me."

We step inside this big storage room. I don't see AJ anywhere.

"Count the money and see if it's all there." My mother is walking towards me with this big, stupid ass smirk on her face. "Cheer up buttercup she's in the next room." I feel like ripping her eyes out of her head! "Follow me." She says.
Looking back, Jacob is on the floor counting the money. I'm guessing nobody else is here. As I start heading towards my mother, I get goose bumps everywhere. I just want to see my baby. I miss her so much.

Entering the second room I spot AJ! She's passed out on the floor; bruises everywhere. She's chained up and there's two dog bowls on the floor. One with water and the other with God only knows what. How could my mother be so cruel? She stands in front of me,

"Don't try to make any dumb moves! Now you'll stay in here until we count the money." She pulls me in the room, pushes me to the floor and locks the door on her way out.

Crawling over to AJ with tears rolling down my face, I'm screaming with anger! Placing my hand on AJ's face, gently caressing her cheek, I lean in kissing her lips softly.

"I love you so much. I should have never let you leave the house." She starts to move a little.

"Amber?" Her voice is so low.

"Yes baby!! Yes! I'm here!" Laying my head on her chest, I feel her softly embrace me with a hug.

"I've missed you so much Amber! I love you."

"I love you too AJ!" She slowly fades away again. I know she's super weak and needs medical attention.

Fifteen minutes go by. As my mind is wondering, I finally decide on what I'm about to do. Kissing AJ's forehead softly, "Baby I will get us out of this, I promise!"

Getting up, I walk towards the door. I feel for the gun on my waist. I pull it out. I grab the bullets out of my pocket, and load the gun. I can hear footsteps coming towards the door. I place the gun behind my back and step to the side. The door is being unlocked. In comes my mother...

"It's all there, all $10,000 of it! I've always known you were a smart girl, Amber. Now we can run away and be happy together!"

"NEVER! I don't want to be with you!"

"Oh, but you want to be with this little lesbian girl that can't even help you? That won't last for to long, she's about to be gone forever!"
Those words make my entire body shake with anger. I pull the gun out aiming it at her.


"Silly little girl you don't even know how to use that thing. Put it down."


Jacob yells, "Is everything okay in there, Miss?"

Looking her in her eyes, I feel nothing but hate "Yes Jacob we are good."

Nodding my head, "Now do it, Mama!"

She starts taking the chains off of AJ and in comes Jacob, "Yoo what the fuck is going on?"

Now I'm pointing the gun at Jacob! "NOBODY MAKE A MOVE!"

AJ is unchained.

"Mama go stand next to Jacob!"

Jacob pulls out his gun and is pointing it at AJ. My mind is rushing with so many thoughts.... Seconds turned to minutes.

Pow! Pow! Two gunshots go off....

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