Field Trip (Peter P.) {Request}

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Requested by KilljoyYBSinner

Warnings: Language

Peter's POV

I sat in the cafeteria with my decathlon team as my classmates were minding their own business

"Class as a reward of us winning our game on nationals I've prepared us a special field trip"
Mr. Harrington says to us

"We will be going to Stark Industries this Saturday. You must be on the bus by 7:45am"
He says

The class then gets excited some groaned because it's on a weekend

"Mr. Harrington this is great and all but really tomorrow? On a weekend?!"
Ned complains

Mr. Harrington just shrugged his shoulders flicking his wrist putting up his hand

"Will we meet the Avengers?"
One of them asks

"Who knows?"
Mr. Harrington says

"Sweet, I might even get a date with Black Widow"
Flash comments looking up from his book

The Next Day

My alarm beeped as I hit snoozed for the 6th time this morning

God I hate waking up early

Especially on WEEKENDS

I close my eyes again


My alarm went off again

I groan then checked my phone to look at the time



I whisper yell to myself

I then jumped out of bed and fumbled around getting changed and getting my stuff ready

I headed in the kitchen grabbing a bagel and eating it real quick making crumbs fall everywhere as I finally headed out the door with my suit on shooting a web trying to hurry up

I then felt my phone buzz as it rang

I groan
"Oh come on I'm gonna be late!"

I took my phone out and look to see who the caller ID was


I hit the green button to answer
"I'm kinda busy right now Mr. Stark"
I say shooting another web swinging myself

"You know how you said you wanted to do some experimenting with making your webs electric?"
Tony asks

"Yeah, what about it?"
I ask

"Well today is my only day I'm free so you coming or not?"

"But I have to go to a field trip right now!"

"To where?"
Tony asks

"We're actually going to Stark Industries"

"Well perfect just hurry up and come here and I'll talk to your teacher or something saying you had a task to do here"
Tony says

I groan
"Ok I'll be there in five minutes"

I then hung up and put my phone in my pocket now shooting my webs fasting swinging my body

Many webs later I landed on the ground

"Good thing I got here before them"
I say then running in taking off my suit then quickly putting on my regular clothes

I went in the halls

"Mr. Stark?!"

"Right here kid"
He says as I turn around finding him and Shuri in the lab

I walk in breathlessly

"Hi. Welcome to Chili's"
Shuri says then laughing as I did too

"Rough morning Peter?"
Shuri asks looking up from her IPad

"Yes, actually"
I say with one hand on the table still out of breath

"Alright we'll let's on with this. So Bruce helped me with the fluid and I wanted you to try it out"
Tony says then giving Peter the web fluid as Peter inserted it in the web shooter

"Where should I shoot it?"
I ask smiling excitedly

"I actually think we have some sort of mannequin in here"
Tony says as he walks into a closet then pulling the mannequin out

"Ok give it a shot"
Tony says

I then shot at the mannequin right in the center as the wires electrocute it making it violently twitch

"It's working!"
I say from joy

The mannequin now starts to turn black as it still gets electrocuted

"Oh my god look at it!"
I say getting excited

The mannequin now starts to smoke up as the smoke alarms go off

"That's insane I love it!"
Peter says then laughing like a madman as Tony chuckles along but also looking slightly concerned

"This boy needs some milk"
Shuri says chuckling at my reaction

I then turn to my side seeing my whole decathlon team stare at me with their mouths slightly open

There was a silence

"What? I work here"
I say shrugging ;

"What the fuck?"
Flash mouths with his eyes widened

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