Time Flies (Thor X Trans Reader) {Request}

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This FTM trans imagine was requested by OuterspaceSebby

Warnings: Sadness, Abandonment

You and Thor have been best friends for as long as you remember

But things got complicated and you had to move with your parents

You had to say goodbye to many things

Including your best friend

And the one you secretly admired


And now all you've been doing is roam around the streets of New York since your parents kicked you out five years ago

Since then you didn't know what to do

No other family, no friends, nobody to trust

So that lead you no choice but to roam around the streets of New York


Life was pretty hard with my parents, they would always wanted me to be something they wanted me to be

Then I came out to them as trans, female to male

I couldn't take it I just had to let it out and tell them

But that didn't make things any better

They kicked me out and wanted me out by that night

As tears fell down my face I packed everything and headed out the door

As I kept walking I thought who I could turn to

I thought and thought

I had nobody

I did nothing but walk all night till my feet were sore to at least find a place to sleep

But as I was walking I felt someone's hand over my mouth and something sharp injecting a liquid into my neck

They then ran off fast and I fell to the floor feeling the pain throughout my whole body

As I squirmed and yelled in pain a crowd then started surrounding me with confused faces

I then notice my body started to glitch back and forth between becoming invisible then reappear visible

As the crowd surround they did nothing but pulled out their phone and record my incident as I cried for help

As I still laid on the ground begging for help I then felt as I started levitating as well as with my suitcase

The people then started to move down as I moved up

There's nothing I could do but to keep still and hope not to die

"Set me down, set me down"
I kept repeating while closing my eyes terrified

I then felt myself laying on something

I opened my eyes and saw I was on top of a building roof

I gotta admit it was beautiful, the city lights and the buildings were visible

I then had to sit down and think what just happened

Then it came to me

"It had to have been that liquid"
I whispered to myself

"C'mon you can do it"
I said trying to levitate again

After many tries I finally got it

I was now hovering over the roof

I tried to move, it got difficult but I managed to control it

I then tried to turn invisible again

After a couple of tries I closed my eyes and concentrated hard

I opened my eyes then looked in the glass of a building reflection

Saw nothing but my floating clothes

I smiled to myself and went back on the roof

For the past 5 years I've self taught myself to control my powers and fighting skills

End Of Flashback

Present Time:

Since my incident and was recorded I was definitely talked about and wanted

Everyday I miss someone

Him, Thor

There's not a second I don't think about him

So now all I do is hope he finds me

As I walked in the streets of New York hooded with my head down so I couldn't be seen I accidentally bumped into something hard

I slightly moved my eyes up not moving my head position and murmured a

The man then responds in a deep voice
"Oh no that was my bad. But may I ask have you seen this person?"

Wait I know that voice

No it can't be

I then looked up with wide eyes and saw Thor holding a piece of paper with my face on it

"Thor is that you? It's me Y/N!"
I say with a huge smile

"Y/N? I thought I lost you"
He says with watery eyes

"Me too"

He then puts his hands on my cheeks and gave me a passionate kiss

When we pulled back he asks with his hands still on my cheeks
"What happen?"

"It's a long story"
I say holding his wrists as he held my cheeks

"I've got time. Especially for you"
He says

Thor then took me to the Avengers tower where I met the Avengers then talked to him privately

After I told everything to him he wiped away a tear and said
"Y/N I'm so sorry. But I'll tell you what I'm so proud of you self teaching yourself for your powers and fighting skills, and especially finding out who you really are"

"You don't care I'm trans?"
I say to him

"Y/N of course not. I like you for who you really are, you were always honest and really good with new things, I always found that attractive about you. I would never lose my love for you. Y/N I've always been in love with you, and I tried so hard looking for you, I couldn't get you out of my mind, their wasn't one second. I l-love you Y/N"

"I love you too Thor"
I say with happy tears then crashed my lips onto his

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