Loki Catch Up (Pt. 1)

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What He Likes About You:
Loki loves how quick witted are and your sarcasm

What Kind Of Outfit He Likes Best On You:
Loki thinks dark clothing looks very intriguing on you

What Kind Of Outfit He Likes Best On You:DarkLoki thinks dark clothing looks very intriguing on you

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You Show Him Your Power:

The first time you meet Loki:

You were taking a walk in a beautiful forest admiring the beauty; as you walk  the with the sticks and leaves crunching beneath your feet you notice green smoke appears afar
You slowly walk closer to get a closer look
As you get close a handsome black haired man appears out of nowhere in front of you
You let out a little gasp and stepped back
The man looks and you and grins
He's clearly not human since he appeared out of nowhere
You didn't know what he was gonna do so you warned him and used your telepathy and entered into his mind speaking
"I don't know who you are but I'll do anything to defend myself and fight back"
You see the man change his facial expression meaning he got the message
He then says
"I'm Loki, the god of mischief my dear"
He then leans in and kisses your hand

The Selfie He Sends You:

Loki: Did I take it right?

Loki: Did I take it right?

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You: Perfect😂👌🏻

Who He's Jealous Of:
Of course Loki is jealous of Thor
ever since he was a child he always felt as though his brother got all the attention
It also doesn't help him when Thor talks to you and shows off

He calls you dear
You call him my king

How He Asks You Out:
You've been friends with Loki now for a while
He's definitely that adventurous funny friend
But lately he's changed, he's been quiet and hasn't talked to me much
You've been wanting to talk to him about it but never did, but today you're going to
Later on:
You went to go to Loki's room
You knocked
No response
You knocked again
No response
"Loki please I know you're in there"
The door then opens from Loki's magic
You step in his room then closing the door
You see him sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands on his face;
You've never seen Loki like this or really anyone hasn't seen Loki like this, so this is a shocker
You sit next to him
"Loki what's wrong?"
You say as you put your hand on his knee
"Loki you're worrying me you've been acting different lately"
He then takes his hands off from his face and looks at you with red puffy eyes
"Sorry Y/N it's just that I've been feeling some things lately"
You rub his knee with your thumb and say
"What feelings? Tell me Loki it's ok"
"About you"
He starts
There was a long pause and your mind started to wander
"I've always liked you Y/N, ever since I've laid eyes on you. Everything about you is perfect. But I feel like you're to good for me, like you deserve better"
He says then puts his hands on his face again
You put your hand softly on his arm putting his arm down to see his face
"Loki I'm no different than you, don't say I deserve better. Is that true? That you've liked me?"
You ask him
"Yes, every part of it"
You gave him a puppy like look
"Ohh Loki cause I think the same about you"
You say as you have him a warm smile
Loki then gets off the bed and goes on the floor kneeling on one leg
He grabs your hand and says
"Then will you be my dear queen Y/N?"
"I will, my handsome king"

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