Homework (Peter P. X Reader) ⚠️Smut⚠️

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I got awoken by my alarm

I picked up my phone and checked the time

"Ugh 6:30 already?!"
I said

I finally got up and decided what to wear

I wanted to dress cute today

I picked out a skirt, and nice shirt, and topped it off with Converse

I then did my hair

Then I went to put on makeup today since I rarely do

After School:
After a long day of school I came back to the avengers tower

I sat down at the table and got out my homework

After for some time I'm still stuck on my homework

I then hear footsteps coming down

I hear them come closer

"Oh hey Y/N. The avengers aren't here they had a mission"

"O-oh ok"
I stutter

I've had a crush on Peter since I joined the avengers, and I don't know if he likes me or not I always get mixed signals from him

I tried to read the problem

I put my pencil in between my mouth trying to concentrate

But I can't really concentrate since Peter is right here

I could feel his eyes on me

He then comes next to me

"You need help Y/N?"

"Ah yes actually"

He then takes a seat next to me

I could feel myself blush as my cheeks heat up

"Do you have a pencil?"


Turned around and bent down to dig in my backpack for a pencil

I could feel his eyes on me

I the sat up with a pencil in my hand

I smile handing it to him

He smiles back

He then starts reading the problem

I tried to concentrate but I couldn't cause I noticed Peter's hand is kept on his crotch

'Is he hiding a boner?'
I thought

He hasn't moved his hand there since I bent down and got a pencil for him

I then just move my eyes to my homework ignoring it as he still explains

As I was concentrating I was actually understanding the homework

Once he was done explaining all the problems he wanted me to do the last  problem

I then did the problem glueing my eyes on the paper

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