They Catch You Staring At Them

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Natasha was training with Steve today, so you decided to take a little peek.
You were making you're way to the training room and you saw Natasha and Steve training.
You saw Steve drenched in sweat, you were studying him... Maybe a little too long cause when you looked up he was staring at you with a smirk.

You were on the couch bored on you're phone so you got up and went to check on Tony fixing his suit.
You walked up behind the wall sneaking up on him without noticing.
He had his shirt off, so you studied him since you were enjoying the view.
"Hey babe, enjoying the view?"
He says with a wink

Today is a exhausting day, it's super hot! It's nearly 100 degrees and we all still have to do work.
You tried to sleep it off but that didn't work, so now you're just sitting on you're bed.
Hey how about I take a peek at Bruce? You thought since you had nothing else to do.
You snuck up behind the lab wall and saw Bruce

"Oh my god I'm burning"  He whispered yelled to himself
His breathing started to increase as you could tell he couldn't take the heat.

"Ugh I can't take it anymore!"  He whispered yelled a little louder.
He then ripped off his shirt, you had you're eyes all over him, hypnotized.
So hypnotized that you didn't even know he turned around.

"Oh hey Y/N" He says with a wink.

You have a huge crush on Clint and you think he likes you too since he's peeked in the shower, so you decided to get some revenge.
You heard Clint turn the shower water on and that's when you climbed into the vents.
As you were climbing you heard whistling and that's when you knew you were right where the bathroom was.
You got you're phone out and opened up 'Snapchat' too take a pic and send it to him.. BUTT....
I forgot to turn off my ringer! So when I took the picture he looked up and saw me.
Strange he didn't cover himself up when he caught me.

You stretched out as you woke up in the morning, you checked you're phone and went downstairs to make breakfast.
You began eating breakfast with the avengers.
"Ok can someone wake up Tho-"  Tony was about to ask when suddenly Thor walks in shirtless.
You're eyes were all over his body.
"Thanks for the staring lady Y/N" Thor says as he winks it off

Tonight was Tony's house party, and you're not really the social party type, but you had to go.
As you got done getting ready you headed to the party, once you walked in all eyes were on you, you felt uncomfortable.
Then everyone went back to what there doing.
You were standing next to the punch bowl awkwardly unknowingly what to do, so you just looked around.
When you're looking around you're eyes landed on the sexy blond Pietro Maximoff.
As you were staring at him he was already starting at you.

You were in the living room with you're best friend Clint talking.
"Y/N I have a present for you"


Clint the holds up his phone and shows you a shirtless picture of Bucky.

"Oh my god how did you take this?!" You whisper yell to him

"I have my ways" He replies smoothly

Later on:

You were laying on you're bed watching Netflix but you then hear a knock.
Probably Clint you thought.
"Come in!"
Bucky comes in.
"Bucky?" You say

"Hey Y/N"

"Uhh you need something?"

"Not really, but I saw you looking at pictures Clint took of me.. Did you like them?" He says as his voice got deep.

You awoke next to you're sexy boyfriend Peter.
He was still sleeping, you didn't want to wake him so you just looked at him, studying him, and thinking about him.
He then cracks open his eyes a little and says
"Morning beautiful"

Nick was having a meeting with us avengers.
As we were seated and Nick talking I couldn't take my eyes off Wanda.
That's my future wife right there, jeez everything about her is just so perfect she's literally a goddess, like oh my god I'm looking at a goddess
Wanda then slowly turned her head to look at me.
Ohh my god she's looking at m-
My thoughts were then interrupted by Nick
"Y/N I think this meeting is more important then imagining when you and Wanda are gonna get married.. Although if you do get married invite me"
I said nothing and looked back and Wanda, she just blushed and looked down.

Natasha had a mission where she had to go to a ball, so she had to dress up.
When the bathroom door opened and she came down the stairs, I saw the most beautiful woman of my life.
There Natasha was in a dark red dress perfectly outlining her figure with her flawless makeup, and her hair up in a bun.
As I continued to stare at her I felt like I was watching her in slow motion.
When she's coming down the stairs she looks at me with her flirtatious smirk.

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