Monsters ( Bruce X Reader )

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Warnings: Language, Sadness

You were eating with your family at home. You wished it was like this everyday, laughing, telling stories, joking around. You loved your family and their company

As your mom was cooking you saw her use a small bottle filled with green liquid in it, you've never seen it before but thought it was nothing so you didn't bother asking

"Dinners ready!"  
Your mom said, you quickly got up and served yourself and sat down with your family.

As you and your family ate, you felt happy and filled with joy as you stuffed your face with your moms cooking

After dinner you guys decided to all sit down on the couch and watch a movie

As you guys got through half of the movie your whole body was hurting really bad

"Are you guys feeling funny after dinner?" 
I ask my family, they all shook their heads then they all laughed like maniacs. I gave a confused face as my eyes started to water up because of the pain and how their laughing at me, I couldn't take it I ran to the bathroom

As I was running to the bathroom I could hear my family's faded laughter

Once I got in the bathroom I slammed the door, went in front of the mirror and held my head down as I tried to concentrate to calm my body as it was still hurting

I tried to go to the bathroom but that didn't work, I then got up and went in front of the mirror again questioning myself of what to do

But then I suddenly felt a hard sharp pain felt throughout my body. I winced and started looking at myself in the mirror.

As I was studying myself in the mirror something didn't feel right, my butt, it felt like I was taking the biggest shit ever. I looked at my bottom and I saw a orange with black print tail slowly growing until it touched the ground

It looked like a cheetah's tail. I looked up to the mirror and saw my stomach turning orange with a black cheetah pattern slowly go up until it stopped throughout my whole body, but my hair was the same

I then felt pressure along my finger nails, I looked at them, they were growing, I looked while wide eyed

I looked at the mirror completely frightened and in shock of what just happened to me.

"I- I'm a monster" 
I said in a whisper voice

"What am I going to do?! I can't stay like this forever!"  
I said aloud and looked down cracking tears

As I was silently crying, I gasped and looked up to face the mirror, my crying stopped and my once sad face turned into a red angry face as I clenched my teeth grinding them

"Mom did this to me! That bottle filled with the liquid... She did this, and my family knew too! That's why they were laughing at me!" 

I whisper to myself, thinking my family was the world to me... I guess not, I put my head down again crying

I jumped as the door banged hard

"We know you're in there Y/N!"  
My mom said, I didn't say anything and backed slowly away

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