Chapter Forty- Eyes

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For suspense purposes, the next few chapters will be VERY short, but that means they'll be released quickly. 

Sorry for being inactive the past few days. I was at a music conference performing and I had no free time. 

Also, look for another update tonight. ;)

And then he opened his eyes.


Two days later.

"So him opening his eyes doesn't mean he's awake?" Taehyung's voice was shaky as he spoke.

"Unfortunately, no. It means he is waking up, but seen as the rest of his body is in the same state as it was when he was in the coma, that means his brain is not functioning enough to function on its own quite yet. We remain quite hopeful."

Taehyung nodded and sat onto the couch, Jungkook immediately bringing him in for a tight hug.

I, on the other hand, hadn't moved in the last two days. They even tried to bring security in here to get me out of the room when visiting hours were over, but they eventually gave up after seeing the state I was in.

I was emotionless. 

I hadn't even said a single word since his eyes opened. My hand remained clutched tightly onto his, despite the grip causing my hand to grow stiff. The only food and water I had consumed were from Jungkook shoving them into my mouth throughout the day. I forced myself to swallow, despite the lump blocking my throat. 

"Yoongs, why don't you go home and take a shower? I will stay here with Hobi. I will hold his hand for you and everything." Jungkook spoke softly next to me, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I could barely feel or hear him. Everything seemed to be stuck in time, frozen. 

I wanted to respond, I truly did. But I felt like I was drained of all mobility and energy. I felt myself relating to Hoseok in that way. I can open my eyes and blink, but I'm not actually there. I'm not actually existing

This is my life now.

Jungkook sighed before going back to comforting Taehyung. 

The same thing had happened yesterday. It was deja vu to me at this point. 

I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes. They were emotionless. You'd think we were strangers based on how his eyes looked at me. 

Seeing him look at me, despite knowing the reasons behind the lack of emotion, made me feel all too many emotions myself, all at once. I felt empty, I felt like I was doing nothing to help him. I felt unloved. I felt as if my whole life was coming to an end. 

Overall, I felt worthless


Is it bad that I can write emotions like this so easily? 

People often ask me how I am able to portray sadness, depression, strong emotions, etc. in my stories. The answer to that is that I write what I personally have felt/experienced. I know what it is like to feel how Yoongi is feeling, despite not being in the exact same position he is and has been in. 

Stay alive frens. 

I love y'all so much. <3

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