Jonathan Brandis

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You and Jonathan were studying in the school library

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You and Jonathan were studying in the school library. He was helping you with math and him with bio. So it was a win win situation. The library was quiet and you both were on the second level of the library sitting on bean bags.

"Ok so this is AAS because of the angles on E and F then the side on FG," he said tracing the triangle on your paper with his finger.

"Okay, I see now..." you said squinting at the triangle trying to figure it out.

"Now my turn, who the hell is Mendel? I wasn't paying attention during the teachers lecture," he asked waiting for your answer.

"Mendel was the dude that was a monk and studied peas ya know? He was the man that founded genetics," you said.

"Ohhh okay! I got it now thanks!"

"That's it? You only needed to know who Mendel was?" You asked kind of surprised.

"Well...yeah," he said in a "duh" tone.

"Okay." You simply said and continued your work.

Truth was, Jonathan had only wanted you to help him "study" so he could ask you out.

"So uh Y/N, I was wondering if uhm you wanted to go to the drive in Friday night?" He nervously stuttered.

You were a bit surprised about Jonathan asking you out. You never though of yourself as his type.

"Uh yeah sure! I would love too," you replied with a warm smile.

Jonathan's face lit up. He smiled back.

"Great! It's a date then," he said.

Minutes later you say bye having to leave. You got up from your bean bag and put on your backpack. Jonathan looked up at you and smiled.

"See you Friday," he said.

You started into his blue eyes. "See you Friday."

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