"Moving on, Zaria had your grandmother, Zohara, who married Hayden Ravenclaw, a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw. They then had your mother, Xerthea, who eventually married your father Tom. And that's that. Here we are." Salazar finished.

"You forgot to mention the name of Zaria's husband." Hadrian mentioned.

"His name was Thorn." Death butted in. Hadrian stared at the man. "What, he had cool hair that I just couldn't forget. It was a shame when he died. Xerthea didn't get his half black half white hair."

"Half white?"

"Ya, it was literally split in the middle. Very awesome. And natural, completely free from dye." Death stated. Salazar shook his head, worried about Death's strange facination with hair and eyes.

"Anyways, do you have any other questions?" Salazar asked.

"Only one. Is there a faster way to find out what my animal forms are?" Hadrian asked.

"Well, there is one..."


Hadrian immediately regretted having asked that question. The next sessions they had were filled with Hadrian making potions upon potions and mixing the potions with other potions to make a different potion that was actually the same potion as the other potion that he had mixed with the other potion.

The potion he was trying to make would forcefully make his body change into each of his animals, giving him a basic sketch of what he was working with. After figuring out which animals he had, he would then have to master each one as if he didn't know what they were. That meant it would take at least a year to master each form.

Salazar did his best to help with the potion, whereas Ash did his best to ruin it. Though, when he finally got the first part of the potion finished, Ash was kind enough to leave it alone.

"Now that you finished mixing the basilisk scales and dragon teeth, you need to add the wormwood and phoenix tears. Stir counterclockwise twice and then stir clockwise every minute for four minutes." Salazar instructed. Hadrian did as told, and when he finally finished, he only had to add the final ingredient. His blood.

"How much?" He asked, preparing the silver knife over his wrist.

"Seven drops." The man said, gazing down at the cauldron. Slitting his wrist slightly, Hadrian dropped the blood into the cauldron slowly, watching as it turned from green to a clear white. It slowly stopped bubbling, and eventually settled, ready to drink.

"I just drink it, right?" Hadrian asked, bringing it to his lips.

"Yes. It's going to hurt." Salazar warned. Hadrian nodded, and swallowed the concoction from the vial he had put it in.

Nothing happened at first, and Hadrian began to wonder if he had done something wrong. But then a burning came from his throat, spreading down his body until every inch of him felt like it was on fire.

He felt his body changing into the familiar wolf, with it's white fur and green eyes. The mirror that he had conjured earlier gave him a clear reflection of himself, and he admired the way his muscles moved under the fur.

Then the burning came back, and he changed into his crow form. The emerald eyes shown in comparison to his black feathers, but it still looked inconspicuous.

When he felt his body burning again, he didn't know what to expect. But when he found himself with his belly on the ground, he wasn't all surprised. He appeared to be a Black Mamba, with the usual green eyes. However, Black Mambas usually had a venom that wasn't as strong as a Sea Snake's, but he could feel the strength of the venom coursing through him, and knew that it was probably stronger than a Basilisk's.

The next time, he found himself as tall as he was in his wolf form. Instead of being a dog though, he was a cat. A snow leopard. His paws were larger than in his wolf form for some reason, but it was probably because he was a bit taller.

He then found himself even taller, as a stallion. But not any kind of horse. A thestral. His wings were long, stretching across the room, and he was taller than the mirror he had set up, so he had to crouch down to see himself.

His sixth form was rather interesting. He appeared to be some kind of hybrid between a fly and a scorpion. He had a stinger, but he was smaller than an ant. He had to fly right up to the glass to see himself.

His seventh and final form was the most surprising of them all. It was completely unheard of for animagus, and there were rather few of them as was. Even Ash and Salazar were shocked, but not as much as Hadrian himself.

His seventh and final form, was the epitome of Death itself.

A Dementor.


Yay! Chapter 30! I finally managed to come up with all the creatures Hadrian would be, and I'm rather happy with my choices. Please vote for what you want Hadrian's main creature to be as a comment.

1. Arctic Wolf

2. Crow

3. Black Mamba (Snake)

4. Snow Leopard

5. Thestral

6. Nargle

7. Dementor

YOU CAN VOTE FOR TWO. I'll wait awhile for people to vote, and then update again after I get enough. Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now