"oh. I thought you said Villains. Anyway," Katsuki throws a punch in my stomach at that last word.

I gasp and fall to my knees. He grabs me by my hair and repeatedly fires his quirk in my face while punching.

Long story short im on the ground bleeding. Im pretty sure I have a broken nose and bruises all over.

After I got a kick in the back, I start uncontrollably start laughing.
"Ka-kacchan, hahah~ Hit me more. I have all night. " I have tears staining my cheeks, blood all down my clothes and face.

Katsuki looks at me stupidly and gets on top of me. "If I wanted to kill you, I would."

And with that he throws at least 30 more punches at me and I fall unconscious.


I wake up with pains all over my body. Oh god, fuck. I forgot to text Dabi..

The first thing I see is Katsuki with pills and new clothes.
"Look, it'll be pretty suspicious if you walk out here looking like that. Im not finna go to jail and lose my reputation as a hero. You understand?"

I sit up. With my mouth too dry to say anything, I stay quiet. Thank god I met a villain who has healing powers. This sucks..

Katsuki throws the clothes at me and 4 pills.

"Those pills are for the pain. I dont need you to constantly pass out."

I nod and takes them with the sink water.

I turn myself around, facing the wall and get dressed.
I wipe the blood off my face, and grab my stuff.

"Ill be back to hurt you once more, but this time I won't fucking help you."

I snicker and nod. I head out the bathroom and sighs.
"I just wanna get home.." I call a Taxi and after 20 minutes they arrive.

I feel a poke on my shoulder "Im coming with you. I dont fucking feel like walking home."

I was going to decline, but I honestly didn't care. We get in the car and I pay.

We arrive at my house first and I see.. Dabi? Oh shit.
I rush out the Taxi and Im pretty sure Katsuki saw him.
I turn around and the Taxi still hasnt pulled off yet.

"Dabi! I told you to wait in my house! What if Katsuki sees you?"

"Does it look like I honestly give two fucks?" Dabi says while crossing his arms.

"You're so difficult."

We both walk in and I shut my door.

Katsuki's POV

We arrive at Deku's house and he quickly gets out the Taxi. The fuck is he rushing for? I see a tall man figure standing outside his door.

"Is that Dabi..? Hey, don't pull off yet or Ill kill you."
The driver quickly nods.

I see Deku and Dabi talking and then they walk into his house.
I pull out my phone and start recording. "This is crazy. So when he said villains.. I was right."

"You can pull off now."

Izuku's POV

"So..What did you need me for, Dabi?" I say while sitting on my couch.

"First of all, what happened to your face?" He says while sitting in front of me.


"Oh that fucking brat.. Well, good thing I brought some of that healing girls blood. If you drink it, you'll feel better than ever."

"Thank you..!" I drink her blood and gag. Though, all my wounds healed.

"Now, I need you to capture Shōuto Todoroki. Hes very special and hes my little brother. He goes to Yuuei but I know deep down he wants to be a villain. "

I nod and smile "Do you need me to fight?"

"Only if he refuses to come with you. He can be a bit stubborn. Tell him that I sent you.."

"Got it! Wheres the address?"

"Well, Right now he should be training because of the sports festival. So, check in this given location."

I nod and head out the door behind Dabi.
"In leaving. If you need anything, call me."


I arrive at the given location and see a beautiful red and white haired boy staring at me.
"Who are you?" He asks getting in a fighting stance.

"Hello Shō-chan! My name is Midoriya, Izuku. Nice to meet you. Im here to take you to league of villains."

"Who sent you?"

"Dabi Todoroki. Now, cmon. you dont wanna fight me do you?"

"Only if I have too."

"Good enough.. Do you wanna be a villain?"

"Sorta. Im tired of these heros.."

"When you're a villain, you can be powerful. With me. Dont you want that? Never have to listen to rules again.."

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Then come," I hold out my hand and grab his.
"Lets go meet the others! You will like it there!"

I see him smile and I giggle. Hes very cute.

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