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-Keith_KoGAYne- made this fan art and wow its absolutely amazing! it's so so cute and they have tons of other adorable art on their art book, go check it out! thanks again 💗
(btw if you guys draw fanart please send me it so i can show it in my book!)

today was keiths birthday, he never really liked all the attention that came with having his birthday though. he usually hated all the people, or loud voices, he'd rather just spend the day alone eating ice cream or something.

but of course now, this was going to change because lance was around. lance wanted keith to feel loved so he had planned something big. he planned a surprise party for keith, inviting tons of his and keith's friends.

it was october 22nd, the day before keiths party. keith was spending the night at lances house like he usually did, mostly in little space the whole night. the two had been cuddling and watching some disney movie, when lance looked up and noticed the time. "baby boy, someone's bed time is coming up.." he said, getting a whine from keith who was currently watching tangled on the tv.

"c'mon, princess need their beauty sleep right? I'll carry you." lance said. keith pouted and dropped his pacifier out of his mouth to look up at lance "but daddy- i wanna watch the movies please!! pretty please?" he asked with his best puppy eyes, getting a soft chuckle from lance.

"no kitten, you know the rules. remind me again, what time is the baby's bedtime?" lance hummed with a smile as he looked at keith. keith pouted and fumbled with his pink paci. "ten.." he mumbled.

"nuh uh kitten, ten if you're a good boy. it's nine thirty. and now it's nine forty five. so cmon baby, we are gonna get you a bottle and you can go sleepies right?" lance asked as he played with the boys messy black hair sweetly.

"mm.. okay daddy- ups please?" he asked looking up at lance with a cute look on his face. lance chuckled and nodded, picking them up and bringing them to the kitchen where he heated up a bottle for keith. he noticed the sleepy boy almost falling asleep in his arms.

"baby, wake up so you can drink your bottle okay?" he said with a smile and handed them their bottle only getting a whine from keith "feed me daddy-" he mumbled getting a loving grin from lance "of course." he chuckled and brought them upstairs to his room before he set keith in his lap and fed them their bottle.

he couldn't help but admire the boy as they sleepily drank from the bottle. their soft skin and few freckles looking ever so angelic on his face. lance loved their cute little onsie with dinos all over it. he just loved them, a lot.

he smiled and watched as they finished the bottle. "someone looks like a sleepy boy huh? ready to go night night?" he asked with a smile as he tucked them in and kissed their cheek "I love you baby, tomorrow's a big day huh?" he asked, but noticed keith was already passed out.

lance smiled and put their paci in between their lips, and slowly closed their door. he then went back into the living room and began to plan the rest of their birthday party for tomorrow..

(this is part one!! next chapter is keithys bday :) sorry if you guys like smut, I know I haven't written much. but it's coming soon! love you guyssss 💞💗💕)

(the next few chapters will be very fluff so if you're here for the smut just wait!! it'll come back soon !!)

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