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Jimin's pov
Jimin walked out of the school gates and made his way towards the shopping district. It wasn't really a district but more like a few streets and a square of shops but that's what it's been called. Upon arriving at the square He takes a moment to stop and look around. The place is busy, which is expected at this time, but it doesn't feel overcrowded or squashed.

After getting up from the bench that He was sat on that wasn't mentioned because ur clearly supposed to know that, Jimin made his way over to a bar with neon lettering on the way over that spelled out Dionysus.
Once inside, Jimin walked over to the back room to get changed from his cheer uniform to his work clothes(black top and skinny jeans) and placed his clothes and backpack in his locker before grabbing a lanyard with a card on it which unlocks the drinks. (Just to explain on the bottles there is a lil lock thingy that only allows u to open the drink if u tap it with the card and with lager taps it's on the handle or for single beer bottles it's on the cooler box. Hopes this makes sense.)

Jimin walked back into the main area and went behind the bar quickly greeting his coworker Taemin.
"Hey thanks for covering for Minho he just got sick all of a sudden." Taemin exclaimed grabbing some glasses to wash.
"Don't worry about it man. If you want you can leave an hour early to go home and look after him." Jimin joined him drying the glasses as he gushed out thank yous and 'I owe you min's. They continued to chat until their manager flipped the sign to open and people started coming in.

~~time skip~~
It was now 11:30 pm and Jimin was just about to start clearing up when Miss.Lee(his manager) told him that she would clean up and he could go home.

Jimin put his stuff into his backpack and cleared the back room a bit, feeling guilty for not being able to help clean up. He then went back through the bar, wished Miss. Lee a good evening and walked out into the night air.

Putting on his headphones, Jimin began walking back to his apartment complex. The night sky was clear and as Jimin looked up he remembered something his mother always told him.

'You see the stars minnie? regardless of where you are or how far apart we are when you look up at the stars you will know that I'm looking up at the same stars.'

these had been the last things his mother had said to him before thrusting a wad of cash and an address into his hand and telling him to run.

Jimin was the son of the famous business man Mr. Park Jaehyuk. Who, although seemingly sweet and kind hearted, was a monster. He micro managed everyone and everything in his life to make it perfect and if there was something he didn't like, he would remove it. Immediately.

And you see the thing is, Jimin didn't quite fit in with what his Father wanted. This resulted in storms of emotional abuse and sometimes he would get hit with a strike of lightning.

Jimin's mother however was the most beautiful person alive, both inside and out. She would always sing and dance and she seemed to float and glide as she moved. She would support Jimin with whatever he wanted to peruse but was unable to become an umbrella strong enough to protect Jimin.

*tw-use of the f slur*

The night that Mr. Park exploded was already dark. Jimin had just come home from cheer practice and he was soaking from the downpour he had just walked through.

The howling wind however, was no match for the storm of rage that was exploding out of Mr. Park.

"YOU!" Mr. Park screamed at Jimin as he walked through the door, pointing a shaky finger at him. Jimin dropped his bag out of fear and flinched as it hit the ground. "YOU DICK SUCKING FAGGOT!" Tears pricked at Jimin's eyes as the words rang in his ears. Yeah he had been called that before but never by his father, never by his family. "YOU ARE A VILE PIECE OF SHIT! YOU ARE A MISTAKE I AM DISOWNING YOU!" Mr. Park spat at Jimin and walked closer to him. Jimin backed away on instinct and went to shield his face with his hands but he was suddenly hit with a blow to the gut. He stumbled back and as soon as he regained balance he was punched. Hard.
"What the fuck is this?" A pastel notebook was shoved into Jimin's face. Oh shit. That was Jimin's secret outlet. Every time he felt anything it went in there. Sadness, happiness, good days, bad ones, doing well on a test, going to get ice cream, seeing a butterfly, crushes. Oh no. Every single one of Jimin's crushes was in that book. Every daydream, every mindless doodle, every list of things he found cute. The words 'I'm gay' were written hundreds of times in that book, and probably a hundred more indirectly written. There was a reason it was a secret outlet, if his father ever found that Jimin's life would be over.

Mr. Park grabbed Jimin by his hair and whispered in a slivery tone "get the fuck out of my sight scum. I hope you die you waste of space. You have 5 minutes to pack your things and leave, now scram." Jimin hurried up the stairs trying not to trip, wiping the tears from his red face.

Once he reached his room the door opened Jimin was encased with love. His mother wrapped her arms around him squeezing him tight.
"I was tidying your room earlier when I noticed it missing. I knew you wouldn't have taken it so there was only one reason it would be gone." She spoke calmly and softly taking a moment to clean Jimin up a bit. "I have already packed you a bag. I knew this was going to happen but my friend offered for you to live in the apartment block they own for a discounted price." Jimin looked up for a moment before mumbling something about wanting to get a job anyway before being judged by his mother. "No no no baby, I will pay. I love you more than anything and you know I can't escape your father but you can, so I will help as much as possible." The lady looked sad but happy because although she was losing her son, she was allowing him to live. "Ok? I'll take you to the apartment and say goodbye there but now we need to leave. Grab anything I've forgotten and meet me downstairs, I have to get your book back."

And so, like it had been previously planned and practiced Jimin waited by the door for his mother who came striding towards him keys in one hand, the book in the other.

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And please comment any suggestions/improvements I could make(but don't be too mean please)

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