A Walk Through On: How to Make a Walk Through

Start from the beginning

Vel scrolled through the pages of my journal on the laptop. "It seems to play out more like a novel then a guide.."

"Well.. it's not like I can give step by step stuff on how I got to where I am.." I said. "All I can hope for is that they read my experiences and learn form them..  All the stuff that happened from the time I came into this world till now is Chapter 1 you might say.."

"Really? What about every point after today then?" asked Vel with a smile.

"Chapter two! Duh!" said Melia.

"Okay okay.." said Vel. "But.. hmm.. it feels like something's missing."

"I have an idea." said Blaze from his holster. "Why don't you write some actual step by step instructions on the final page of the chapter..? Like.. instructions summarizing EVERYTHING that happened in the story so far?"

We stared at Blaze.

"Blaze.." said Rime. "That.. was actually a good idea.."

"WHAT!? You sound surprised!!" exclaimed Blaze.

"Heheheh.. he can have those.. sometimes.." said Vel.

"HOWABOUT MOST OF THE TIME!?" Blaze yelled, wriggling around in his holster angrily.

"Alright then.." I muttered as I took my journal back and flipped to the page where I had stopped, and began to write. "Let's see here... steps..."

So... Steps to waking up in another world.. and then joining a Knight Academy... let's try that out shall we..?

I thought about it.. chewing on my finger as Vel folded her arms..

"You know... everybody saw Melia turn into an Elder Kaiju..  it was broadcast all over the country.." Vel murmured.

"Yeah.." I whispered as I began to write some more. My fingers flying over my keyboard..

"Everything is going to change.." said Vel. "some Demons will worship you.. Hadelies was their patron deity.. "

"Oh Jeez I hope not" I muttered.

"Some of this.. a lot of it.. actually, is going to be beyond your control Mira.. you're going to have to be ready for it." said Vel. "Gods have plenty of cults dedicated to them in this world.. and plenty of cults that stand against them..  the gods never started the cults, with the exception of Tharg, God of Storms... but the cults themselves claim their patron gods started them..."

"So.. what you're saying is..?"

"That our lives are about to become a whole lot more dangerous.." Melia finished for me.

"Wonderful.." I muttered. "Okay.. the steps.. see what you think.."

And I read the following.. the following which is here written just as you see it.

The Following are the Steps For Surviving waking up in another world, and joining a Knight Academy. All Gamers should take this into account:

Tip 1: TUTORIALS ARE LIES, Don't Trust Helpful Fairy Guides, they are not actually guides, and probably not Fairies. They are probably the final boss.

Tip 2: JOIN A PARTY,  Don't go it alone, make friends whenever possible.

Tip 3: SECRETS SOLVE NOTHING, When Possible, Tell The Truth. Friends Can't help unless they know what ails you. Maybe coming from another world is unbelievable... but make them believe it.

Tip 4: NO CHARACTER CREATION CHOICES, If you're a guy who turned into a girl, get used to it, there's no going back. Learn to use a bra and deal with it.

Tip 5: RNG IS MEANINGLESS..don't depend on chance for farming.  Work hard, and you can make it happen. 

Tip 6: LEVEL UP,  Learn to fight.. it doesn't matter if you have a Kaiju, or if you don't intend on joining a Knight Academy. If Freyalvia has her eyes on you.. learn to fight.. and learn fast.

Tip 7: RPG PLOT TWISTS EVERYWHERE, don't expect everything to be as you see it.. expect something to go wrong, and be prepared for it. There is no save file, you're not coming back if you mess up.

Tip 8: RACISM IS NOT SURVIVAL,  Make friends with everyone.. elf, demon, human, lizard man, Cait Sith.. it doesn't matter.. they are all people, and they can all mean the difference between living and dying.

Tip 9: FOR KAIJU WIELDERS, Your Kaiju is your closest friend, you deepest partner, hold them tightly, and never let them go.

Tip 10: THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL,  .... This is not a game. There is no save file. There are real lives at stake.  Realize that as soon as possible, and good luck.

I finished reading this to Vel, and she smiled at me.

"I think that's a good place to start." said Vel. "in any case... what do we do now?"

I scratched my chin. "Well, the Exams for Knight Errant Student are coming up right? Basically the same rank that Medi's got.. which allows us students to go on larger missions and travel out of the city with squads.. "

"You're thinking you can use that to start doing what you came to this Academy to do right?" said Vel.

"Find others like us.. help them against Freyalvia.." said Melia. "That was the plan.."

"Best way to make sure that happens right now is to pass that exam.." I said breezily, stretching my arms and yawning. "So... Vel.. er... help me study?"

Vel chuckled. "We got beat up by a Daemon.. you were almost wrecked psychologically, the entire world knows your name.. and you want to study..?"

I smiled. "What can I say? I'm not a slacker."

With that.. Vel helped me pull out a textbook from my bag, and together with our Kaiju, we began to study..

Just a pair of students working towards a goal..

If only I knew just how far those goals would take me in the end.

The End... for now..

And there we have it, the first book of Ultimate Gamer's Guide, my baby, which I've been working on world building for a long while, has finally finished.  I intend to publish this book to Amazon after I gain a larger reader base for this book, but for now I will begin writing the second book, which journeys beyond the Knight Academy itself and begins . Until then.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. SPREAD THE WORD FAR AND WIDE!! Thank you SO much you readers for sticking by my story this far.. but I would love for more to find this.. so Vote, Comment, Spread the word!! I would be eternally grateful. And in the near future when this book is published on Amazon.. check it out! Leave a review!! I would love that so much! So again thank you..

This book isn't completely over yet, there's an epilogue coming soon that isn't told from Mira's point of view before I move on to book 2.

By the way, if you're new to my stories and love fan fictions, you can check out my fan fictions at my MisakaLovesYou profile, or my cowritten Ben 10 related stuff at Misaka_Omnitrix .  Again, THANK you for sticking by Mira this far.

The Ultimate Gamer's Guide To: Joining a Knight AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now