P10. Collision

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I bent over to the ground to evade all bullets of those machines. I rolled and pick a stone. I threw a rock on kinetic sense of the nearest drones, aimed it better than average humans. The drones spiraled on the air, attacked other drones.

Just like Bryan, I hijacked that drones, and let them shot the other machines and shot their feet to make them kneel and stop aiming anyone near. Fatima ran safely to Reana that crouched on the ground while slowly evading the attack, but always never too far from the perimeter.

The wound on my feet throbbed, but I had enough power remained to warn them: "Run."

Fatima looked at me with teary hazel eyes, terrified. When Bryan came and was about to take Reana along with him, Fatima struggled to slipped off. Bryan noticed this and didn't let her go so easily.

"Let's go! We could hold them for the time being, but not for too long!" Bryan shouted.

"Not yet!" Reana struggled to keep Fatima in her arms, while still looking at me. "We can't leave him like this, Bryan! There are still people out there that need to—

"They came for me, Reana,"

Reana looked hopelessly at me knowing exactly what I was talking about. Bryan seemed to understand this situation and nodded at me.

"They want a soldier." The moment I reminded her, Reana loss for words.

Curse me.

Curse me for saved her life because I couldn't bear to see her or anyone I knew tremble in fear.



Bryan quickly caught Reana and left the place, along with a freaked out Fatima.

"It's negative, Captain." I heard a soldier talked behind me. "This man is not a Maha."

Felt was a thing, but heard it directly from my supposed-to-be inferior enemies, was another thing. The humiliation was beyond words, especially since he used that mocking name to address me.

Maha, I wanted to kill everyone who called us that way.

"He doesn't have abnormal statistic either."

"But we couldn't find his data on our database."

"That mean he was a spy." Another man talked with authority that made me recognize him as the captain immediately. "Get him!"

I turned around, managed to dodge a bullet that almost sliced my head in half. Union's soldiers surrounded me. They rapidly attacked me with bullets and drones altogether. I ran towards them. My speed were horrible, but the light at least, I could endure the pain and reached the closest soldier.

"That style....!" One male soldier targeted me. "There is no mistaken, that was—

I shoved his machine gun. Using that gap, I took his knife out and stabbed him through his belly. Blood burst from his stomach. I could feel adrenaline pumped to my veins, eased the pain and backlashes that I had to endure because of incompatibility of this body to the combat style of Martian.

Nonetheless, the man still fell to the ground. My wounded feet stomped on his neck, while the other snapped his wrist.

"You are attacking human refugee camp now." I waited the other's reaction. "The weakest of your kind."

They didn't even wait for me to finish it. They shot again, killed their comrades in the process.

What a species. They didn't consider to save him when they had the chance to do that. They shot me without put a second thought. A foolish species.

Yet, I fought some of them to protect another.

This time I tugged at my chest, felt the heartbeat right away.

There were several times I felt that beat increased, dropped significantly, and even stopped abruptly. It didn't make sense no matter how I put it into words. No living being could live without active nerves and circulation system. But I actually felt that sensation, could never ignore that, and now it didn't even just beating anymore.

It flooded with something I never understand.

Another bullet flew to me. I bent over to dodge that but the bullets sliced some of my clothes, sliced my skin in the process. My eyes wide opened when I spotted the strange green luminescent color of the bullet.

That strange bullet.

I looked behind and those soldiers prepared more and more machine guns while working together to load their weapons. The drones also proven to usable to analyze, loaded rifles, and supported the attack quite impressive.

There really was no time to waste. They presumed that I wasn't one of them and used the bullet instead. And the drones behind them, it probably used to ambush me when the fight was over.

A sound of blast rang through the air and the next moment, my surroundings was hidden behind curtain of sands. I looked up, the only side that left opened, right when a whale-class planes of evacuation passed. One, two, until five of them passed and left this land.

Reana. Fatima.

The sand curtain unfold, revealed my sides were blocked by Unions. They had their laser aim targeted me from all sides.

I could never run out of this.

For the last time, I turned to the now empty camp. No one left. So the soldiers used this chance to rob the camps of their supplies. They had planes parked behind those tent, I could see its wings spread from the fabrics walls.

For some unknown reasons, my chest lighten a bit.

Then, a bullet pierced through my right arm. The knife in my hand fell to the ground with a low thud. Another bullet hit my other leg and for the first time since forever, I kneeled. When the sand layer finally disappeared, I was surrounded.

Faces of soldiers covered in layers of clothes and glasses, towering me. Someone took Lohengrin from me. It felt empty, yet there were nothing I could do. This is the best option for now. If they got me, those people would be spared. I couldn't ruin this. Not yet.

"A gun with a design I've never see."

"So, is this what we're looking for?"

"Still no data."

"We might just catch the wrong guy."

This pain is really annoying. And these Humans were more annoying to let an injured man kneeled for too long.

"He still has a possession of a weapon." Another man spoke. "Take him. We'll must be figure something out once we're in the HQ."


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